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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { join } from "../deps/path.ts";
/** * Class to handle static files. */export default class StaticFiles { /** List of files and folders to copy */ paths = new Map<string, string>();
add(from: string, to: string) { // Ensure the path starts with a slash this.paths.set(join("/", from), join("/", to)); }
/** * Check whether a src path is included in the list of static files * and return a [from, to] tuple */ search(file: string): [string, string] | undefined { file = join("/", file);
for (const entry of this.paths) { const [from, to] = entry;
if (file.startsWith(from)) { return [file, join(to, file.slice(from.length))]; } } }
/** * Check whether a dest path is included in the list of static files * and return a [from, to] tuple */ searchReverse(file: string): [string, string] | undefined { file = join("/", file);
for (const entry of this.paths) { const [from, to] = entry;
if (file.startsWith(to)) { return [join(from, file.slice(to.length)), file]; } } }
/** Return all entries */ entries(): [string, string][] { return [...this.paths.entries()]; }}