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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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/** * This code is a modified version of the original code that is deprecated. * * Source: * Copyright 2018-2021 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license. * * - Removed the `preserveTimestamps` option, as it is an unstable feature. * - Removed useless `_utils` dependencies. */import * as path from "./path.ts";import { ensureDir } from "./fs.ts";
const isWindows = === "windows";
export interface CopyOptions { /** * overwrite existing file or directory. Default is `false` */ overwrite?: boolean;}
interface InternalCopyOptions extends CopyOptions { /** * default is `false` */ isFolder?: boolean;}
async function ensureValidCopy( src: string, dest: string, options: InternalCopyOptions,): Promise<Deno.FileInfo | undefined> { let destStat: Deno.FileInfo;
try { destStat = await Deno.lstat(dest); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return; } throw err; }
if (options.isFolder && !destStat.isDirectory) { throw new Error( `Cannot overwrite non-directory '${dest}' with directory '${src}'.`, ); } if (!options.overwrite) { throw new Error(`'${dest}' already exists.`); }
return destStat;}
/* copy file to dest */async function copyFile( src: string, dest: string, options: InternalCopyOptions,) { await ensureValidCopy(src, dest, options); await Deno.copyFile(src, dest);}
/* copy symlink to dest */async function copySymLink( src: string, dest: string, options: InternalCopyOptions,) { await ensureValidCopy(src, dest, options); const originSrcFilePath = await Deno.readLink(src); const info = await Deno.lstat(src); if (isWindows) { await Deno.symlink(originSrcFilePath, dest, { type: info.isDirectory ? "dir" : "file", }); } else { await Deno.symlink(originSrcFilePath, dest); }}
/* copy folder from src to dest. */async function copyDir( src: string, dest: string, options: CopyOptions,) { const destStat = await ensureValidCopy(src, dest, { ...options, isFolder: true, });
if (!destStat) { await ensureDir(dest); }
for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(src)) { const srcPath = path.join(src,; const destPath = path.join(dest, path.basename(srcPath as string)); if (entry.isSymlink) { await copySymLink(srcPath, destPath, options); } else if (entry.isDirectory) { await copyDir(srcPath, destPath, options); } else if (entry.isFile) { await copyFile(srcPath, destPath, options); } }}
/** * Copy a file or directory. The directory can have contents. Like `cp -r`. * Requires the `--allow-read` and `--allow-write` flag. * @param src the file/directory path. * Note that if `src` is a directory it will copy everything inside * of this directory, not the entire directory itself * @param dest the destination path. Note that if `src` is a file, `dest` cannot * be a directory * @param options */export async function copy( src: string, dest: string, options: CopyOptions = {},) { src = path.resolve(src); dest = path.resolve(dest);
if (src === dest) { throw new Error("Source and destination cannot be the same."); }
const srcStat = await Deno.lstat(src);
if (srcStat.isDirectory && dest.startsWith(src)) { throw new Error( `Cannot copy '${src}' to a subdirectory of itself, '${dest}'.`, ); }
if (srcStat.isSymlink) { await copySymLink(src, dest, options); } else if (srcStat.isDirectory) { await copyDir(src, dest, options); } else if (srcStat.isFile) { await copyFile(src, dest, options); }}