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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { encode } from "./deps/base64.ts";import { posix, toFileUrl } from "./deps/path.ts";import { parse } from "./deps/flags.ts";import { brightGreen, red } from "./deps/colors.ts";import { Exception } from "./core/errors.ts";
const { join } = posix;const baseUrl = new URL(".", import.meta.url).href;
type SpecifierMap = Record<string, string>;
interface ImportMap { imports: SpecifierMap; scopes?: Record<string, SpecifierMap>;}
export function checkDenoVersion(): void { const minDenoVersion = "1.16.1";
if (Deno.version.deno < minDenoVersion) { console.log(); console.error(red("Error installing or running Lume")); console.log("You have an old version of Deno"); console.log(`Lume needs Deno ${brightGreen(minDenoVersion)} or greater`); console.log(`Your current version is ${red(Deno.version.deno)}`); console.log(); console.log( `Run ${brightGreen("deno upgrade")} and try again`, ); console.log(); Deno.exit(1); }}
async function ensureUrl(maybeUrl: string) { try { return new URL(maybeUrl); } catch { return toFileUrl(await Deno.realPath(maybeUrl)); }}
/** * If a given specifier map has relative paths, * resolve them with a given base URL. */function resolveSpecifierMap(specifierMap: SpecifierMap, baseUrl: URL) { return Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(specifierMap).map(( [key, value], ) => [key, new URL(value, baseUrl).href]), );}
/** * If any specifier maps in a given import map have relative paths, * resolve it with a given base URL. */function resolveImportMap(importMap: ImportMap, baseUrl: URL) { const imports = resolveSpecifierMap(importMap.imports, baseUrl); const scopes = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(importMap.scopes ?? []).map(( [scopeSpecifier, specifierMap], ) => [scopeSpecifier, resolveSpecifierMap(specifierMap, baseUrl)]), ); return { imports, scopes };}
/** * Return a data url with the import map of Lume * Optionally merge it with a custom import map from the user */export async function getImportMap(mapFile?: string) { const map: ImportMap = { imports: { "lume": join(baseUrl, "/mod.ts"), "lume/": join(baseUrl, "/"), "": join(baseUrl, "/"), }, };
if (mapFile) { try { const url = await ensureUrl(mapFile); const file = await (await fetch(url)).text(); const parsedMap = JSON.parse(file) as ImportMap; const resolvedMap = resolveImportMap(parsedMap, url); map.imports = {, ...resolvedMap.imports }; map.scopes = parsedMap.scopes; } catch (cause) { throw new Exception("Unable to load the import map file", { cause, mapFile, }); } }
return `data:application/json;base64,${encode(JSON.stringify(map))}`;}
/** Returns the Lume & Deno arguments */export async function getArgs(args: string[]): Promise<[string[], string[]]> { const sep = args.indexOf("--"); const lumeArgs = sep === -1 ? args : args.slice(0, sep); const denoArgs = [ "--unstable", "-A", `--no-check`, ];
if (lumeArgs.includes("--quiet")) { denoArgs.push("--quiet"); }
// Deno flags const parsedArgs = parse(sep === -1 ? [] : args.slice(sep + 1));
// Regular flags for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(parsedArgs)) { switch (name) { case "_": case "import-map": break;
default: { const flagName = name.length === 1 ? `-${name}` : `--${name}`; denoArgs.push(value === true ? flagName : `${flagName}=${value}`); } } }
// Merge the import map denoArgs.push(`--import-map=${await getImportMap(parsedArgs["import-map"])}`);
return [lumeArgs, denoArgs];}
export default async function main(args: string[]) { checkDenoVersion();
const [lumeArgs, denoArgs] = await getArgs(args); const cli = join(baseUrl, "./cli.ts"); const process ={ cmd: [ Deno.execPath(), "run", ...denoArgs, cli, ...lumeArgs, ], });
const status = await process.status(); process.close();
if (!status.success) { addEventListener("unload", () => Deno.exit(1)); }}
// Run the current commandif (import.meta.main) { main(Deno.args);}