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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { merge } from "../core/utils.ts";
import type { Page, Site } from "../core.ts";
export interface Options { /** The helper name */ name: string;}
export const defaults: Options = { name: "search",};
/** Register the plugin to enable the `search` helpers */export default function (userOptions?: Partial<Options>) { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
return (site: Site) => {, new Search(site)); };}
type Query = string | string[];type Condition = [string, string, unknown];
/** Search helper */export class Search { #site: Site; #cache = new Map<string, Page[]>();
constructor(site: Site) { this.#site = site;
site.addEventListener("beforeUpdate", () => this.#cache.clear()); }
/** Return the data in the scope of a path (file or folder) */ data(path = "/") { const file = this.#site.source.getFileOrDirectory(path);
if (file) { return; } }
/** Search pages */ pages(query?: Query, sort?: Query, limit?: number) { const result = this.#searchPages(query, sort);
if (!limit) { return result; }
return (limit < 0) ? result.slice(limit) : result.slice(0, limit); }
/** Search and return a page */ page(query?: Query, sort?: Query) { return this.pages(query, sort)[0]; }
/** Returns all tags values of a search */ tags(query?: Query) { const tags = new Set();
this.pages(query).forEach((page) =>!.forEach((tag: string) => tags.add(tag)) );
return Array.from(tags); }
/** Return the next page of a search */ nextPage(url: string, query?: Query, sort?: Query) { const pages = this.pages(query, sort); const index = pages.findIndex((page) => === url);
return (index === -1) ? undefined : pages[index + 1]; }
/** Return the previous page of a search */ previousPage(url: string, query?: Query, sort?: Query) { const pages = this.pages(query, sort); const index = pages.findIndex((page) => === url);
return (index <= 0) ? undefined : pages[index - 1]; }
#searchPages(query?: Query, sort: Query = "date"): Page[] { if (Array.isArray(query)) { query = query.join(" "); }
const id = JSON.stringify([query, sort]);
if (this.#cache.has(id)) { return [...this.#cache.get(id)!]; }
const filter = buildFilter(query); const result = filter ? this.#site.pages.filter(filter) : this.#site.pages;
this.#cache.set(id, result); return [...result]; }}
/** * Parse a query string and return a function to filter a search result * * example: "title=foo level<3" * returns: (page) => === "foo" && < 3 */export function buildFilter(query?: string): (page: Page) => boolean { // (?:(fieldName)(operator))?(value|"value"|'value') const matches = query ? query.matchAll( /(?:([\w.-]+)([!^$*]?=|[<>]=?))?([^'"\s][^\s=<>]*|"[^"]+"|'[^']+')/g, ) : [];
// Always return html pages const conditions: Condition[] = [["dest.ext", "=", ".html"]];
for (const match of matches) { let [, key, operator, value] = match;
if (!key) { key = "tags"; operator = "*="; }
conditions.push([`data.${key}`, operator, compileValue(value)]); }
return compileFilter(conditions);}
/** * Convert a parsed query to a function * * example: [["data.title", "=", "foo"], ["data.level", "<", 3]] * returns: (page) => === "foo" && < 3 */function compileFilter(conditions: Condition[]) { const filters: string[] = []; const args: string[] = []; const values: unknown[] = [];
conditions.forEach((condition, index) => { const [key, operator, value] = condition; const varName = `value${index}`;
filters.push(compileCondition(key, operator, varName, value)); args.push(varName); values.push(value); });
args.push(`return (page) => ${filters.join(" && ")};`);
const factory = new Function(...args);
return factory(...values);}
/** * Convert a parsed condition to a function * * example: key = "title", operator = "=" name = "value0" value = "foo" * returns: === value0 */function compileCondition( key: string, operator: string, name: string, value: unknown,) { key = key.replaceAll(".", "?.");
if (value instanceof Date) { switch (operator) { case "=": return `page.${key}?.getTime() === ${name}.getTime()`;
case "!=": return `page.${key}?.getTime() !== ${name}.getTime()`;
case "<": case "<=": case ">": case ">=": return `page.${key}?.getTime() ${operator} ${name}.getTime()`;
default: throw new Error(`Operator ${operator} not valid for Date values`); } }
if (Array.isArray(value)) { switch (operator) { case "=": return `${name}.some((i) => page.${key} === i)`;
case "!=": return `${name}.some((i) => page.${key} !== i)`;
case "^=": return `${name}.some((i) => page.${key}?.startsWith(i))`;
case "$=": return `${name}.some((i) => page.${key}?.endsWith(i))`;
case "*=": return `${name}.some((i) => page.${key}?.includes(i))`;
default: // < <= > >= return `${name}.some((i) => page.${key} ${operator} i)`; } }
switch (operator) { case "=": return `page.${key} === ${name}`;
case "!=": return `page.${key} !== ${name}`;
case "^=": return `page.${key}?.startsWith(${name})`;
case "$=": return `page.${key}?.endsWith(${name})`;
case "*=": return `page.${key}?.includes(${name})`;
default: // < <= > >= return `page.${key} ${operator} ${name}`; }}
/** * Compile a value and return the proper type * * example: "true" => true * example: "foo" => "foo" * example: "2021-06-12" => new Date(2021, 05, 12) */function compileValue(value: string): unknown { if (!value) { return value; }
// Remove quotes value = value.replace(/^('|")(.*)\1$/, "$2");
if (value.includes("|")) { return value.split("|").map((val) => compileValue(val)); } if (value.toLowerCase() === "true") { return true; } if (value.toLowerCase() === "false") { return false; } if (value.toLowerCase() === "undefined") { return undefined; } if (value.toLowerCase() === "null") { return null; } if (typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value)) { return Number(value); } // Date or datetime values: // yyyy-mm // yyyy-mm-dd // yyyy-mm-ddThh // yyyy-mm-ddThh:ii // yyyy-mm-ddThh:ii:ss const match = value.match( /^(\d{4})-(\d\d)(?:-(\d\d))?(?:T(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?(?::(\d\d))?)?$/i, );
if (match) { const [, year, month, day, hour, minute, second] = match;
return new Date( parseInt(year), parseInt(month) - 1, day ? parseInt(day) : 1, hour ? parseInt(hour) : 0, minute ? parseInt(minute) : 0, second ? parseInt(second) : 0, ); }
return value;}
/** * Convert a query to sort to a function * * example: "title=desc" * returns: (a, b) => > */export function buildSort(sort: Query): (a: Page, b: Page) => number { let fn = "0";
if (typeof sort === "string") { sort = sort.split(/\s+/).filter((arg) => arg); }
sort.reverse().forEach((arg) => { const match = arg.match(/([\w.-]+)(?:=(asc|desc))?/);
if (!match) { return; }
let [, key, direction] = match; key = key.replaceAll(".", "?."); const operator = direction === "desc" ? ">" : "<"; fn = `(${key} ==${key} ? ${fn} : (${key} ${operator}${key} ? -1 : 1))`; });
return new Function("a", "b", `return ${fn}`) as (a: Page, b: Page) => number;}