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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { exists } from "../deps/fs.ts";import { posix } from "../deps/path.ts";import { brightGreen, cyan, dim, red } from "../deps/colors.ts";import { pluginNames } from "./utils.ts";import importMap from "./import_map.ts";
/** Generate a _config.js file */export default async function init() { const path = new URL("..", import.meta.url).href;
await initConfig(path);
let importMapFile: string | undefined = undefined;
if (confirm(cyan("Do you want to create a import map file?"))) { const file = await getImportMapFile();
if (file) { await importMap({ file }); importMapFile = file; } }
if (confirm(cyan("Do you want to configure VS Code?"))) { return await initVSCode(path, importMapFile); }}
/** (Re)configure lume config file */async function initConfig(path: string) { const configFile = await getConfigFile();
if (!configFile) { console.log(); console.log("No config file created"); return; }
// Get the import path style path = getLumeUrl(path);
// Generate the code for the config file const code = [`import lume from "${posix.join(path, "mod.ts")}";`];
const plugins = getPlugins(); plugins.forEach((name) => code.push( `import ${name} from "${posix.join(path, `plugins/${name}.ts`)}";`, ) ); code.push(""); code.push("const site = lume();");
if (plugins.length) { code.push(""); plugins.sort().forEach((name) => code.push(`site.use(${name}());`)); }
code.push(""); code.push("export default site;"); code.push("");
// Write the code to the file await Deno.writeTextFile(configFile, code.join("\n")); console.log(); console.log(brightGreen("Created a config file"), configFile);}
/** (Re)configure VSCode for Deno/Lume */async function initVSCode(path: string, importMapFile: string | undefined) { try { await Deno.mkdir(".vscode"); } catch { // Ignore if the directory already exists }
// Enable Deno plugin let config: Record<string, unknown> = {};
try { const existing = await Deno.readTextFile(".vscode/settings.json"); config = JSON.parse(existing); } catch { // ignore }
config["deno.enable"] = true; config["deno.lint"] = true; config["deno.unstable"] = true; config["deno.suggest.imports.hosts"] = { "": true, };
if (!importMapFile) { importMapFile = ".vscode/lume_import_map.json"; await importMap({ file: importMapFile }); }
// Set up the import map config["deno.importMap"] = importMapFile;
// Create a launch.json file to debug // For more information, visit: const baseConfig = { request: "launch", type: "pwa-node", program: path.startsWith("https://") ? new URL("./cli.ts", path).href : posix.join(path, "/cli.ts"), cwd: "${workspaceFolder}", runtimeExecutable: "deno", runtimeArgs: [ "run", "--unstable", `--import-map=${importMapFile}`, "--inspect", "--allow-all", ], attachSimplePort: 9229, };
const launch = { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ Object.assign({}, baseConfig, { name: "Lume build", }), Object.assign({}, baseConfig, { name: "Lume serve", args: ["--serve"], }), ], };
await Deno.writeTextFile( ".vscode/settings.json", JSON.stringify(config, null, 2), ); await Deno.writeTextFile( ".vscode/launch.json", JSON.stringify(launch, null, 2), ); console.log(); console.log(brightGreen("VS Code configured"));}
/** Question to get the style to import lume in the config file */function getLumeUrl(path: string) { const message = `${cyan("How do you want to import lume?")}Type a number:1 ${dim('import lume from "lume/mod.ts"')}2 ${dim('import lume from ""')}3 ${dim(`import lume from "${posix.join(path, "mod.ts")}"`)}`; const choice = prompt(message, "1");
switch (choice) { case "1": return "lume"; case "2": return ""; } return path;}
/** Question to get the list of plugins to install in the config file */function getPlugins() { const message = `${cyan("Do you want to use plugins?")}Type the plugins separated by comma.
All available options:${ => `- ${dim(plugin)}${plugin}/` ).join("\n") }
Example: ${dim(`postcss, terser, base_path`)}`; const choice = prompt(message); const plugins = choice ? choice.split(/[\s,]+/) : [];
// Validate the plugins return plugins.filter((plugin) => { if (pluginNames.includes(plugin)) { return true; } console.log(red(`Ignored not valid plugin ${plugin}.`)); return false; });}
/** Question to get the filename of the config file */async function getConfigFile(): Promise<string | false> { const configFile = confirm(cyan("Use Typescript for the configuration file?")) ? "_config.ts" : "_config.js";
if (await exists(configFile)) { return confirm( cyan(`The file "${configFile}" already exist. Override?`), ) ? configFile : false; }
return configFile;}
/** Question to get the filename of the import_map file */async function getImportMapFile(): Promise<string | false> { const importMapFile = prompt( cyan("Name of the import map file?"), "import_map.json", );
if (!importMapFile) { return false; }
if (await exists(importMapFile)) { return confirm( cyan(`The file "${importMapFile}" already exist. Update it?`), ) ? importMapFile : false; }
return importMapFile;}