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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { encode } from "./deps/base64.ts";import { parse } from "./deps/flags.ts";import { cyan, dim, green, red } from "./deps/colors.ts";import { checkDenoVersion, getDenoConfig, getImportMap, getLumeVersion, loadImportMap, mustNotifyUpgrade,} from "./core/utils.ts";
/** * This file works as a proxy to the actual Lume CLI to fix the following issues: * - Add defaults flags to Deno (--unstable, -A, --no-check) * - Adds user provided flags to Deno (for example --compact) * - Detect and set the lume --quiet flag in Deno. * - Detect and use the deno.json file automatically. * - Add the import-map option to Deno if it's missing * - Check whether the import_map.json file has the Lume imports. * - Check whether the Lume version is the latest. */
/** Returns the Lume & Deno arguments */export async function getArgs(args: string[]): Promise<[string[], string[]]> { const sep = args.indexOf("--"); const lumeArgs = sep === -1 ? args : args.slice(0, sep); const denoArgs = [ "--unstable", "-A", `--no-check`, ];
if (lumeArgs.includes("--quiet")) { denoArgs.push("--quiet"); }
// Deno flags const parsedArgs = parse(sep === -1 ? [] : args.slice(sep + 1));
// Regular flags for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(parsedArgs)) { switch (name) { case "_": break;
default: { const flagName = name.length === 1 ? `-${name}` : `--${name}`; denoArgs.push(value === true ? flagName : `${flagName}=${value}`); } } }
// Detect and use the deno.json file automatically const options = await getDenoConfig();
if (options) { denoArgs.push(`--config=deno.json`); }
// Add the import-map option to Deno if it's missing const importMapUrl = parsedArgs["import-map"] || options?.importMap;
// There's a import map file if (importMapUrl) { const importMap = await loadImportMap(importMapUrl);
if (!importMap.imports["lume/"]) { // The import map doesn't include Lume imports console.log("----------------------------------------"); console.error(red("Error:")); console.log( `The import map file ${ dim(importMapUrl) } does not include Lume imports.`, ); if (importMapUrl === "import_map.json") { console.log( `Run ${cyan("lume import-map")} to update import_map.json.`, ); } console.log("----------------------------------------"); } else { // Check whether the import_map.json file has the same version of lume as the installed version. const cliVersion = getLumeVersion(); const mapVersion = getLumeVersion(new URL(importMap.imports["lume/"]));
if (cliVersion !== mapVersion) { console.log("----------------------------------------"); console.error(red("Warning:")); console.log( `The import map file ${dim(importMapUrl)} imports the Lume version ${ dim(mapVersion) }`, ); console.log(`but you are using Lume ${dim(cliVersion)}.`); if (importMapUrl === "import_map.json") { console.log( `Run ${cyan("lume import-map")} to update import_map.json.`, ); } console.log("----------------------------------------"); } } } else { // There's no import map file, so we generate one automatically const importMap = `data:application/json;base64,${ encode(JSON.stringify(await getImportMap())) }`; denoArgs.push(`--import-map=${importMap}`); }
return [lumeArgs, denoArgs];}
export default async function main(args: string[]) { const denoInfo = checkDenoVersion();
if (denoInfo) { console.log("----------------------------------------"); console.error(red("Error running Lume")); console.log(`Lume needs Deno ${green(denoInfo.minimum)} or greater`); console.log(`Your current version is ${red(denoInfo.current)}`); console.log(`Run ${cyan(denoInfo.command)} and try again`); console.log("----------------------------------------"); Deno.exit(1); }
if (!args.includes("--quiet")) { const info = await mustNotifyUpgrade();
if (info) { console.log("----------------------------------------"); console.log( `Update available ${dim(info.current)} β†’ ${green(info.latest)}`, ); console.log(`Run ${cyan(info.command)} to update`); console.log("----------------------------------------"); } }
const [lumeArgs, denoArgs] = await getArgs(args); const process ={ cmd: [ Deno.execPath(), "run", ...denoArgs, new URL("./cli.ts", import.meta.url).href, ...lumeArgs, ], });
const status = await process.status(); process.close();
if (!status.success) { addEventListener("unload", () => Deno.exit(1)); }}
// Run the current commandif (import.meta.main) { main(Deno.args);}