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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { DOMParser, HTMLDocument } from "../deps/dom.ts";import { posix, SEP, toFileUrl } from "../deps/path.ts";
export const baseUrl = new URL("../", import.meta.url);
// TODO: Remove this once Deno.ImportMap is availableinterface ImportMap { imports: Record<string, string>; scopes?: Record<string, Record<string, string>>;}
/** Run a callback concurrently with all the elements of an Iterable */export async function concurrent<Type>( iterable: AsyncIterable<Type> | Iterable<Type>, iteratorFn: (arg: Type) => Promise<unknown>, limit = 200,) { const executing: Promise<unknown>[] = [];
for await (const item of iterable) { const p: Promise<unknown> = iteratorFn(item).then(() => executing.splice(executing.indexOf(p), 1) );
if (executing.length >= limit) { await Promise.race(executing); } }
await Promise.all(executing);}
const decoder = new TextDecoder();const encoder = new TextEncoder();
/** Encode a message using SHA-1 algorithm */export async function sha1(message: string | Uint8Array): Promise<string> { if (typeof message === "string") { message = encoder.encode(message); }
const hash = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-1", message); return decoder.decode(hash);}
/** * The list of supported MIME types. * It's used by the server and some plugins. */export const mimes = new Map<string, string>([ [".aac", "audio/x-aac"], [".apng", "image/apng"], [".atom", "application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8"], [".avif", "image/avif"], [".bmp", "image/bmp"], [".css", "text/css; charset=utf-8"], [".es", "application/ecmascript"], [".eps", "application/postscript"], [".epub", "application/epub+zip"], [".flac", "audio/x-flac"], [".gif", "image/gif"], [".gz", "aplication/gzip"], [".heic", "image/heic"], [".heif", "image/heif"], [".html", "text/html; charset=utf-8"], [".htm", "text/html; charset=utf-8"], [".ico", "image/x-icon"], [".jpeg", "image/jpg"], [".jpg", "image/jpg"], [".js", "text/javascript; charset=utf-8"], [".json", "application/json"], [".kml", "application/"], [".kmz", "application/"], [".map", "application/json"], [".md", "text/markdown; charset=utf-8"], [".mid", "audio/midi"], [".midi", "audio/midi"], [".mjs", "application/javascript"], [".mkv", "video/x-matroska"], [".mov", "video/quicktime"], [".mp3", "audio/mp3"], [".mp4", "video/mp4"], [".mp4a", "video/mp4"], [".mp4v", "video/mp4"], [".m4a", "video/mp4"], [".ogg", "audio/ogg"], [".opus", "audio/ogg"], [".otf", "font/otf"], [".pdf", "application/pdf"], [".png", "image/png"], [".ps", "application/postscript"], [".rar", "application/vnd.rar"], [".rdf", "application/rdf+xml; charset=utf-8"], [".rss", "application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8"], [".rtf", "application/rtf"], [".svg", "image/svg+xml; charset=utf-8"], [".tiff", "image/tiff"], [".ttf", "font/ttf"], [".txt", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"], [".vtt", "text/vtt; charset=utf-8"], [".wasm", "application/wasm"], [".wav", "audio/wav"], [".webm", "video/webm"], [".webmanifest", "application/manifest+json"], [".webp", "image/webp"], [".woff", "font/woff"], [".woff2", "font/woff2"], [".yaml", "text/yaml; charset=utf-8"], [".yml", "text/yaml; charset=utf-8"], [".xml", "text/xml"], [".zip", "application/zip"],]);
/** * Merge two objects recursively. * It's used to merge user options with default options. */export function merge<Type>( defaults: Type, user?: Partial<Type>,) { const merged = { ...defaults };
if (!user) { return merged; }
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(user)) { // @ts-ignore: No index signature with a parameter of type 'string' was found on type 'unknown' if (isPlainObject(merged[key]) && isPlainObject(value)) { // @ts-ignore: Type 'string' cannot be used to index type 'Type' merged[key] = merge(merged[key], value); continue; }
// @ts-ignore: Type 'string' cannot be used to index type 'Type' merged[key] = value; }
return merged;}
const reactElement = Symbol.for("react.element");/** Check if the argument passed is a plain object */export function isPlainObject(obj: unknown) { return typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null && !Array.isArray(obj) && obj.toString() === "[object Object]" && // @ts-ignore: Check if the argument passed is a React element obj["$$typeof"] !== reactElement;}
/** * Convert the Windows paths (that use the separator "\") * to Posix paths (with the separator "/") * and ensure it starts with "/". */export function normalizePath(path: string) { if (SEP !== "/") { path = path.replaceAll(SEP, "/");
// Is absolute Windows path (C:/...) if (path.includes(":/")) { return path; } }
return posix.join("/", path);}
/** Convert an HTMLDocument instance to a string */export function documentToString(document: HTMLDocument) { const { doctype, documentElement } = document;
if (!doctype) { return documentElement?.outerHTML || ""; }
return `<!DOCTYPE ${}` + (doctype.publicId ? ` PUBLIC "${doctype.publicId}"` : "") + (!doctype.publicId && doctype.systemId ? " SYSTEM" : "") + (doctype.systemId ? ` "${doctype.systemId}"` : "") + `>\n${documentElement?.outerHTML}`;}
const parser = new DOMParser();
/** Parse a string with HTML code and return an HTMLDocument */export function stringToDocument(string: string): HTMLDocument { const document = parser.parseFromString(string, "text/html");
if (!document) { throw new Error("Unable to parse the HTML code"); }
return document;}
/** Return the current installed version */export function getLumeVersion(url = baseUrl): string { const { pathname } = url; return pathname.match(/@([^/]+)/)?.[1] ?? `local (${pathname})`;}
/** Return the latest stable version from the repository */export async function getLatestVersion(): Promise<string> { const response = await fetch(""); const versions = await response.json(); return versions.latest;}
/** Return the hash of the latest commit from the GitHub repository */export async function getLatestDevelopmentVersion(): Promise<string> { const response = await fetch( "", ); const commits = await response.json(); return commits[0].sha;}
export interface UpgradeInfo { current: string; latest: string; command: string;}
export async function mustNotifyUpgrade(): Promise<undefined | UpgradeInfo> { const current = getLumeVersion();
// It's a local version if (current.startsWith("local ")) { return; }
const stable = !!current.match(/^v\d+\./);
const expires = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; // 1 day const interval = localStorage.getItem("lume-upgrade");
if (interval && parseInt(interval) + expires > { return; }
const latest = stable ? await getLatestVersion() : await getLatestDevelopmentVersion();
if (current === latest) { return; }
const command = stable ? "lume upgrade" : "lume upgrade --dev"; return { current, latest, command };}
/** Basic options for deno.json file */export interface DenoConfig { importMap?: string; tasks?: Record<string, string>; [key: string]: unknown;}
export async function getDenoConfig(): Promise<DenoConfig | undefined> { try { const content = await Deno.readTextFile("deno.json"); return JSON.parse(content) as DenoConfig; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return; }
throw err; }}
export async function loadImportMap(url: URL): Promise<ImportMap> { return await (await fetch(url)).json() as ImportMap;}
/** * Return a data url with the import map of Lume * Optionally merge it with a custom import map from the user */export async function getImportMap(mapFile?: string): Promise<ImportMap> { const map: ImportMap = { imports: { "lume/": new URL("./", baseUrl).href, }, };
if (mapFile) { const importMap = await loadImportMap(await toUrl(mapFile));
map.imports = { ...importMap.imports, }; map.scopes = importMap.scopes; }
return map;}
export type SpecifierMap = Record<string, string>;
/** Check the compatibility with the current Deno version */export interface DenoInfo { current: string; minimum: string; command: string;}
export function checkDenoVersion(): DenoInfo | undefined { const minimum = "1.20.1"; const current = Deno.version.deno;
if (current < minimum) { return { current, minimum, command: "deno upgrade" }; }}
export async function toUrl(path: string): Promise<URL> { if (path.match(/https?:\/\//)) { return new URL(path); }
return toFileUrl(await Deno.realPath(path));}
export function createDate(str: string | number): Date | undefined { if (typeof str === "number") { return new Date(str); }
const datetime = str.match( /^(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)(?:-(\d\d)-(\d\d)(?:-(\d\d))?)?$/, );
if (datetime) { const [, year, month, day, hour, minute, second] = datetime;
return new Date(Date.UTC( parseInt(year), parseInt(month) - 1, parseInt(day), hour ? parseInt(hour) : 0, minute ? parseInt(minute) : 0, second ? parseInt(second) : 0, )); }
if (str.match(/^\d+$/)) { return new Date(parseInt(str)); }}