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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { brightGreen, gray } from "./deps/colors.ts";import { pluginNames } from "./core/utils/lume_config.ts";import { checkDenoSupport } from "./core/utils/lume_version.ts";import { updateLumeVersion, writeDenoConfig,} from "./core/utils/deno_config.ts";import { Checkbox, Confirm, Select } from "./deps/cliffy.ts";import { outdent } from "./deps/outdent.ts";import { join } from "./deps/path.ts";import { ensureDir } from "./deps/fs.ts";
import type { DenoConfigResult } from "./core/utils/deno_config.ts";
checkDenoSupport();const folder = Deno.args[0] || ".";
/** Init Lume in the current directory */const configFile = await getConfigFile(folder);
if (!configFile) { console.log(gray("Lume init cancelled.")); Deno.exit();}
const plugins = await getPlugins();
const denoConfig: DenoConfigResult = { config: {}, file: join(folder, "deno.json"),};
initPlugins(plugins, denoConfig);
// Generate the code for the config fileconst code = [`import lume from "lume/mod.ts";`];
plugins.forEach((name) => code.push( `import ${name} from "lume/plugins/${name}.ts";`, ));code.push("");code.push("const site = lume();");
if (plugins.length) { code.push(""); plugins.forEach((name) => code.push(`site.use(${name}());`));}
code.push("");code.push("export default site;");code.push("");
// Generate the code for the cms config fileconst cmsConfig = await getCms(configFile);const cmsCode: string[] = [];
if (cmsConfig) { cmsCode.push( 'import lumeCMS from "lume/cms.ts";', "", "const cms = lumeCMS();", "", "export default cms;", "", );}
// Write the code to the fileawait ensureDir(folder);await Deno.writeTextFile(configFile, code.join("\n"));console.log();console.log("Lume configuration file saved:", gray(configFile));
if (cmsConfig) { await Deno.writeTextFile(cmsConfig, cmsCode.join("\n")); console.log("CMS configuration file saved:", gray(cmsConfig));}
const url = new URL(import.meta.resolve("./"));updateLumeVersion(url, denoConfig);writeDenoConfig(denoConfig);
const links = { serve: brightGreen("deno task serve"), repo: gray(""), website: gray(""), discord: gray(""), opencollective: gray(""),} as const;
const message = outdent`
${brightGreen(" Lume configured successfully!")}
Quick start: Create the file and write some content Run ${links.serve} to start a local server
See ${} for online documentation See ${links.discord} to propose new ideas and get help at Discord See ${links.repo} to view the source code and report issues See ${links.opencollective} to support Lume development
/** * Question to get the list of plugins to install in the config file * @returns Promise<string[]> */async function getPlugins(): Promise<string[]> { const usePlugins = await Select.prompt({ message: "Do you want to install some plugins now?", options: [ { name: "Yes", value: "yes", }, { name: "Maybe later", value: "no", }, ], hint: "See all available plugins at", });
if (usePlugins === "no") { return []; }
return Checkbox.prompt({ message: "Select the plugins to install", options: pluginNames, hint: "Use Arrow keys and Space to select. Enter to submit", });}
/** Question to get the filename of the config file */async function getConfigFile(folder: string): Promise<string | false> { const file = await Select.prompt({ message: "Choose the configuration file format", options: [ { name: "_config.ts (TypeScript)", value: "_config.ts", }, { name: "_config.js (JavaScript)", value: "_config.js", }, ], });
const path = join(folder, file);
try { await Deno.lstat(path); const override = await Confirm.prompt({ message: `The file "${path}" already exist. Override?`, default: false, });
return override ? path : false; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return path; }
throw err; }}
/** Question to get the cms config file */async function getCms(configPath: string): Promise<string | false> { const useCms = await Select.prompt({ message: "Do you want to setup a CMS?", options: [ { name: "Yes", value: "yes", }, { name: "Maybe later", value: "no", }, ], hint: "More info at", });
if (useCms === "no") { return false; }
const path = configPath.replace(/_config\.(ts|js)$/, "_cms.$1");
try { await Deno.lstat(path); const override = await Confirm.prompt({ message: `The file "${path}" already exist. Override?`, default: false, });
return override ? path : false; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { return path; }
throw err; }}
function initPlugins(plugins: string[], denoConfig: DenoConfigResult) { // Ensure that jsx and jsx_preact are not used at the same time and are loaded before mdx if (plugins.includes("mdx")) { const jsx = plugins.indexOf("jsx"); const jsx_preact = plugins.indexOf("jsx_preact");
if (jsx !== -1 && jsx_preact !== -1) { throw new Error( "You can't use both the jsx and jsx_preact plugins at the same time.", ); }
if (jsx !== -1) { // Ensure jsx is loaded before mdx plugins.splice(jsx, 1); plugins.unshift("jsx"); } else if (jsx_preact !== -1) { // Ensure jsx_preact is loaded before mdx plugins.splice(jsx_preact, 1); plugins.unshift("jsx_preact"); } else { // Use jsx by default plugins.unshift("jsx"); } }
if (plugins.includes("jsx")) { denoConfig.config.compilerOptions ||= {}; denoConfig.config.compilerOptions.jsx = "react-jsx"; denoConfig.config.compilerOptions.jsxImportSource = "npm:react";
// Add React types: denoConfig.config.compilerOptions.types ||= []; denoConfig.config.compilerOptions.types.push( "", ); }
if (plugins.includes("jsx_preact")) { denoConfig.config.compilerOptions ||= {}; denoConfig.config.compilerOptions.jsx = "precompile"; denoConfig.config.compilerOptions.jsxImportSource = "npm:preact"; }
// Ensure that tailwindcss is loaded before postcss fixPluginOrder(plugins, "tailwindcss", "postcss");
// Ensure that picture is loaded before transform_images fixPluginOrder(plugins, "picture", "transform_images");}
function fixPluginOrder(plugins: string[], plugin1: string, plugin2: string) { if (plugins.includes(plugin1)) { const pos1 = plugins.indexOf(plugin1); const pos2 = plugins.indexOf(plugin2);
if (pos2 === -1) { plugins.splice(pos1 + 1, 0, plugin2); return; }
if (pos1 > pos2) { plugins[pos2] = plugin1; plugins[pos1] = plugin2; } }}