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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { posix } from "../deps/path.ts";
import type { RawData } from "./file.ts";
type EntryType = "file" | "directory";
export interface Options { root: string; ignore?: (string | ((path: string) => boolean))[];}
export type Loader = (path: string) => Promise<RawData>;
export class Entry { name: string; path: string; type: EntryType; src: string; children = new Map<string, Entry>(); flags = new Set<string>(); #content = new Map<Loader, Promise<RawData> | RawData>(); #info?: Deno.FileInfo;
constructor(name: string, path: string, type: EntryType, src: string) { = name; this.path = path; this.type = type; this.src = src; }
removeCache() { this.#content.clear(); this.#info = undefined; this.flags.clear(); }
getContent(loader: Loader): Promise<RawData> | RawData { if (!this.#content.has(loader)) { this.#content.set(loader, loader(this.src)); }
return this.#content.get(loader)!; }
getInfo() { if (!this.#info) { this.#info = this.src.includes("://") ? createFileInfo(this.type) : Deno.statSync(this.src); }
return this.#info; }}
/** Virtual file system used to load and cache files (local and remote) */export default class FS { options: Options; entries = new Map<string, Entry>(); remoteFiles = new Map<string, string>(); tree: Entry;
constructor(options: Options) { this.options = options; this.tree = new Entry("", "/", "directory", options.root); this.entries.set("/", this.tree); }
init() { this.#walkFs(this.tree); this.#walkRemote(); }
/** Update the entry and returns it if it was removed */ update(path: string): Entry | undefined { const exist = this.entries.get(path); const entry = exist || this.addEntry({ path });
// New directory, walk it if (!exist && entry.type === "directory") { this.#walkFs(entry); return; }
try { entry.removeCache(); entry.getInfo(); } catch (error) { // Remove if it doesn't exist if (error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) { this.removeEntry(path); return exist; } } }
#isValid(path: string) { const { ignore } = this.options;
return ignore ? !ignore.some((ignore) => typeof ignore === "string" ? (path.startsWith(posix.join(ignore, "/")) || path === ignore) : ignore(path) ) : true; }
#walkFs(dir: Entry) { const dirPath = posix.join(this.options.root, dir.path);
for (const dirEntry of Deno.readDirSync(dirPath)) { const path = posix.join(dir.path,;
if (dirEntry.isSymlink) { this.#walkLink(dir,; continue; }
if (!this.#isValid(path)) { continue; }
const entry = new Entry(, path, dirEntry.isDirectory ? "directory" : "file", posix.join(this.options.root, path), );
dir.children.set(, entry); this.entries.set(path, entry);
if (entry.type === "directory") { this.#walkFs(entry); } } }
#walkLink(dir: Entry, name: string) { const src = posix.join(dir.src, name); const info = Deno.statSync(src); const type = info.isDirectory ? "directory" : "file";
const entry = new Entry( name, posix.join(dir.path, name), type, Deno.realPathSync(src), );
dir.children.set(name, entry); this.entries.set(entry.path, entry);
if (type === "directory") { this.#walkFs(entry); } }
#walkRemote() { // Read from remote files for (const [path, src] of this.remoteFiles) { if (this.entries.has(path)) { continue; }
this.addEntry({ path, type: "file", src, }).flags.add("remote"); } }
addEntry(data: { path: string; type?: EntryType; src?: string }): Entry { const pieces = data.path.split("/").filter((p) => p); let parent = this.tree;
if (!data.src) { data.src = posix.join(this.options.root, data.path); }
if (!data.type) { try { const info = Deno.statSync(data.src); data.type = info.isDirectory ? "directory" : "file"; } catch { data.type = "file"; } }
while (pieces.length > 1) { const name = pieces.shift()!; const children = parent.children; const path = posix.join(parent.path, name);
if (!this.#isValid(path)) { break; }
parent = children.get(name) || new Entry( name, path, "directory", this.options.root + path, );
children.set(name, parent); this.entries.set(parent.path, parent); }
const name = pieces.shift()!; const children = parent.children; const entry = new Entry( name, data.path, data.type, data.src, ); children.set(name, entry); this.entries.set(entry.path, entry); return entry; }
removeEntry(path: string) { const entry = this.entries.get(path); const isFolder = entry?.type === "directory";
this.entries.delete(path); const parent = this.entries.get(posix.dirname(path))!; const name = posix.basename(path); parent.children.delete(name);
if (isFolder) { const prefix = posix.join(path, "/"); for (const childPath of this.entries.keys()) { if (childPath.startsWith(prefix)) { this.entries.delete(childPath); } } } }}
function createFileInfo(type: EntryType): Deno.FileInfo { return { isFile: type === "file", isDirectory: type === "directory", isSymlink: false, isBlockDevice: null, isCharDevice: null, isSocket: null, isFifo: null, size: 0, mtime: new Date(), atime: new Date(), birthtime: new Date(), dev: 0, ino: null, mode: null, nlink: null, uid: null, gid: null, rdev: null, blksize: null, blocks: null, };}