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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import loader from "../core/loaders/text.ts";import { merge } from "../core/utils/object.ts";import { compile, remarkGfm } from "../deps/mdx.ts";import { join, toFileUrl } from "../deps/path.ts";
import type Site from "../core/site.ts";import type { Engine } from "../core/renderer.ts";import type { PluggableList, RehypeOptions } from "../deps/remark.ts";
export interface Options { /** List of extensions this plugin applies to */ extensions?: string[];
/** List of recma plugins to use */ recmaPlugins?: PluggableList;
/** * List of remark plugins to use * @default `[remarkGfm]` */ remarkPlugins?: PluggableList;
/** Options to pass to rehype */ rehypeOptions?: RehypeOptions;
/** List of rehype plugins to use */ rehypePlugins?: PluggableList;
/** Set `false` to remove the default plugins */ useDefaultPlugins?: boolean;
/** Components to add/override */ components?: Record<string, unknown>;
/** * Custom includes path * @default `site.options.includes` */ includes?: string;}
// Default optionsexport const defaults: Options = { extensions: [".mdx"], useDefaultPlugins: true,};
const remarkDefaultPlugins = [ remarkGfm,];
/** Template engine to render Markdown files with Remark */export class MDXEngine implements Engine<string | { toString(): string }> { baseUrl: string; options: Required<Options>; jsxEngine: Engine; includes: string;
constructor(baseUrl: string, options: Required<Options>, jsxEngine: Engine) { this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.options = options; this.jsxEngine = jsxEngine; this.includes = options.includes; }
deleteCache() {}
async render( content: string, data?: Record<string, unknown>, filename?: string, ) { const baseUrl = toFileUrl(join(this.baseUrl, filename || "/")).href; // @ts-ignore: special case for jsx engines const pragma = `/** @jsxImportSource ${this.jsxEngine.jsxImportSource} */`; const result = await compile(content, { baseUrl, jsx: true, format: "mdx", outputFormat: "function-body", recmaPlugins: this.options.recmaPlugins, remarkPlugins: this.options.remarkPlugins, rehypePlugins: this.options.rehypePlugins, remarkRehypeOptions: this.options.rehypeOptions, });
const destructure = `{${Object.keys(data!).join(",")}}`; const code = result.toString() .replace("/*@jsxRuntime automatic*/\n/*@jsxImportSource react*/", pragma) .replace( '"use strict";\n', `export default async function (${destructure}) {`, ) + "}";
const url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([code], { type: "text/jsx" })); const module = (await import(url)).default; const mdxContext = (await module(data)).default; URL.revokeObjectURL(url);
const body = mdxContext({ components: { comp: data?.comp, ...this.options.components }, }); return this.jsxEngine.renderComponent(body); }
renderComponent(content: string) { return content; }
addHelper() {}}
/** Register the plugin to support MDX */export default function (userOptions?: Options) { return function (site: Site) { const options = merge( { ...defaults, includes: site.options.includes }, userOptions, );
if (options.useDefaultPlugins) { options.remarkPlugins ||= []; options.remarkPlugins.unshift(...remarkDefaultPlugins); }
// Get the JSX stringify const format = site.formats.get(".jsx") || site.formats.get(".tsx");
if (!format?.engines) { throw new Error( "The JSX format is required to use the MDX plugin. Use jsx or jsx_preact plugins.", ); }
const engine = new MDXEngine(site.src(), options, format.engines[0]);
// Ignore includes folder if (options.includes) { site.ignore(options.includes); }
// Load the pages and register the engine site.loadPages(options.extensions, { loader, engine, });
// Register the filter const filter = async ( content: string, data?: Record<string, unknown>, ): Promise<string> => (await engine.render(content, data)).toString().trim();
site.filter("mdx", filter, true); };}
/** Extends Helpers interface */declare global { namespace Lume { export interface Helpers { /** @see */ mdx: (content: string, data?: Record<string, unknown>) => Promise<string>; } }}