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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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import { merge } from "../core/utils/object.ts";import { read } from "../core/utils/read.ts";import { createGenerator, MagicString, presetUno, resetUrl, transformerDirectives, transformerVariantGroup,} from "../deps/unocss.ts";
import type Site from "../core/site.ts";import type { SourceCodeTransformer, UnocssPluginContext, UserConfig,} from "../deps/unocss.ts";
export interface Options { /** * Configurations for UnoCSS. * @see * @default * { * presets: [presetUno()] * } */ options?: UserConfig;
/** * Set the css filename for all generated styles, * Set to `false` to insert a <style> tag per page. * @default "unocss.css" */ cssFile?: false | string;
/** * Process CSS files using UnoCSS transformers. * @default * [ * transformerVariantGroup(), * transformerDirectives() * ] */ transformers?: SourceCodeTransformer[];
/** * Supported CSS reset options. * @see * @default false */ reset?: false | "tailwind" | "tailwind-compat" | "eric-meyer";}
export const defaults: Options = { options: { presets: [presetUno()], }, cssFile: "/unocss.css", transformers: [ transformerVariantGroup(), transformerDirectives(), ], reset: false,};
export default function (userOptions?: Options) { const options = merge(defaults, userOptions);
return (site: Site) => { const uno = createGenerator(options.options); const { transformers, cssFile, reset } = options;
if (transformers.length > 0) { site.loadAssets([".css"]); site.process([".css"], async (files) => { for (const file of files) { if (file.content) { const code = new MagicString(file.content.toString()); for await (const { transform } of transformers) { await transform( code, file.src.path, { uno } as unknown as UnocssPluginContext, ); } file.content = code.toString(); } } }); }
if (cssFile === false) { // Insert a <style> tag for each page site.process([".html"], async (pages) => { const resetCss = await getResetCss(reset);
await Promise.all( (page) => { const document = page.document!; const result = await uno.generate( document.documentElement?.innerHTML ?? "", ); const css = resetCss ? `${resetCss}\n${result.css}` : result.css;
if (css) { const style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerText = css; page.document?.head?.appendChild(style); } })); }); return; }
// Generate the stylesheets for all pages site.process([".html"], async (pages) => { const classes = new Set<string>();
await Promise.all( (page) => await uno.generate( page.document?.documentElement?.innerHTML ?? "", ) .then((res) => res.matched) .then((matched) => matched.forEach((match) => classes.add(match))) ), );
// Create & merge stylesheets for all pages const resetCss = await getResetCss(reset); const result = await uno.generate(classes); const css = resetCss ? `${resetCss}\n${result.css}` : result.css;
// Output the CSS file const output = await site.getOrCreatePage(cssFile); if (output.content) { output.content += `\n${css}`; } else { output.content = css; } }); };}
/** * TODO: Replace with CSS Modules Import * @remarks Deno does not currently support CSS Modules. * @see */async function getResetCss(reset: Options["reset"]) { return reset === false ? "" : await read(`${resetUrl}/${reset}.css`, false);}