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πŸ”₯ Static site generator for Deno πŸ¦•
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export const snapshot = {};
snapshot[`build a site with nunjucks 1`] = `{ formats: [ { engines: 0, ext: ".page.toml", loader: [AsyncFunction: toml], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".page.ts", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".page.js", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 0, ext: ".page.jsonc", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 0, ext: ".page.json", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], engines: 0, ext: ".json", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: json], engines: 0, ext: ".jsonc", loader: [AsyncFunction: json], }, { engines: 1, ext: ".md", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".markdown", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engines: 1, ext: ".js", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: module], engines: 1, ext: ".ts", loader: [AsyncFunction: module], }, { engines: 1, ext: ".vento", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".vto", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: toml], engines: 0, ext: ".toml", loader: [AsyncFunction: toml], }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engines: 0, ext: ".yaml", loader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], pageType: "page", }, { dataLoader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], engines: 0, ext: ".yml", loader: [AsyncFunction: yaml], pageType: "page", }, { engines: 1, ext: ".njk", loader: [AsyncFunction: text], pageType: "page", }, ], src: [ "/", "/_components", "/_components/Button.ts", "/_components/icon", "/_components/icon/User.njk", "/_data.yml", "/_includes", "/_includes/basic.njk", "/_includes/partial.njk", "/components.njk", "/data.njk", "/empty.njk", "/index.njk", "/", "/with-helpers.njk", ],}`;
snapshot[`build a site with nunjucks 2`] = `[]`;
snapshot[`build a site with nunjucks 3`] = `[ { content: "button { background-color: blue;}
icon { width: 48px; height: 48px;}", data: { basename: "components", page: [ "src", "data", ], url: "/components.css", }, src: { asset: true, ext: "", path: "", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: 'document.querySelectorAll("button").forEach(button => { button.addEventListener("click", () => { alert("Hello world!"); });});
console.log("Hello world, from the icon/User component");', data: { basename: "components", page: [ "src", "data", ], url: "/components.js", }, src: { asset: true, ext: "", path: "", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <main><button class="" type="button"> button without arguments</button><button class="" type="button">button content</button><icon name="John"> this is John</icon>
<button class="my-button" type="button"> button content <icon name="John"> this is John </icon></button></main> </body></html>', data: { basename: "components", children: '<button class="" type="button"> button without arguments</button><button class="" type="button">button content</button><icon name="John"> this is John</icon>
<button class="my-button" type="button"> button content <icon name="John"> this is John </icon></button>', comp: [ "_components", "_proxies", ], content: '{% comp "Button" %} button without arguments{% endcomp %}
{{ comp.Button({ content: "button content" }) | safe }}{{ comp.icon.User({ content: "this is John", name:"John" }) | safe }}
{% comp "Button", className="my-button" %} button content {% comp "icon.user", name="John" %} this is John {% endcomp %}{% endcomp %}', date: [], layout: "basic.njk", mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", url: "/components/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".njk", path: "/components", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: '["red","green","blue"]', data: { basename: "data", colors: "Array(3)", comp: [ "_components", "_proxies", ], content: "{{ colors | dump | safe }}", date: [], layout: null, mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", url: "/data.json", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".njk", path: "/data", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Hello World</title> </head> <body> <main><h1>Hello World</h1></main> </body></html>', data: { basename: "index", children: "<h1>Hello World</h1>", comp: [ "_components", "_proxies", ], content: "<h1>{{ title }}</h1>", date: [], layout: "./_includes/basic.njk", mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", title: "Hello World", url: "/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".njk", path: "/index", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>njk filter example</title> </head> <body> <main><h1>NJK FILTER EXAMPLE</h1></main> </body></html>', data: { basename: "njk-filter", children: "<h1>NJK FILTER EXAMPLE</h1>", comp: [ "_components", "_proxies", ], content: "default", date: [], layout: "basic.njk", mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", title: "njk filter example", url: "/njk-filter/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".page.js", path: "/njk-filter", remote: undefined, }, }, { content: '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>The title</title> </head> <body> <main><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><div>hello (async)</div><ul> <li>This is a partial</li> <li>async helper in a partial (async)</li></ul><ul> <li>This is a partial</li> <li>async helper in a partial (async)</li></ul><strong>The title</strong><strong>The title</strong><p><strong>The title</strong></p></main> </body></html>', data: { basename: "with-helpers", children: "<p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><p><strong>THE TITLE</strong></p><div>hello (async)</div><ul> <li>This is a partial</li> <li>async helper in a partial (async)</li></ul><ul> <li>This is a partial</li> <li>async helper in a partial (async)</li></ul><strong>The title</strong><strong>The title</strong><p><strong>The title</strong></p>", comp: [ "_components", "_proxies", ], content: '<p>{% upperCase title %}</p><p>{% upperCase "The title" %}</p><p>{% upperCaseAsync title %}</p><p>{% upperCaseAsync "The title" %}</p><p>{% upperCaseBody %}The title{% endupperCaseBody %}</p><p>{% upperCaseBody %}{{ title }}{% endupperCaseBody %}</p><p>{% upperCaseBodyAsync %}The title{% endupperCaseBodyAsync %}</p><p>{% upperCaseBodyAsync %}{{ title }}{% endupperCaseBodyAsync %}</p><div>{{ "hello" | returnAsync }}</div>{% include "partial.njk" %}{% include "./_includes/partial.njk" %}
<strong>{{ "title" | fromPage }}</strong><strong>{{ "title" | fromPageAsync }}</strong><p>{% fromPageTagAsync %}title{% endfromPageTagAsync %}</p>', date: [], layout: "basic.njk", mergedKeys: [ "tags", ], page: [ "src", "data", ], paginate: "paginate", search: [], tags: "Array(0)", title: "The title", url: "/with-helpers/", }, src: { asset: false, ext: ".njk", path: "/with-helpers", remote: undefined, }, },]`;