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Shiki plugin for Lume

This plugin uses shiki library to search and syntax highlight the code of any <pre><code> element.

It exists a markdown-it plugin for Shiki, but we made the choice to be engine agnostic as highlight.js plugin and prism.js plugin.

This plugin adds a couple of advantages for CSS customisation:

  • Add extra CSS
  • Generate CSS variable by theme color
  • Use Dark/Light theme
  • Inject CSS into a <style> tag or a cssFile
  • Use shikiExtra() for better CSS defaults

Check the demo directory.


Import this plugin in your _config.ts file to use it:

import lume from "";
import shiki from "";

const site = lume();

site.use(shiki(/* Options */));

export default site;

Example with a single theme

import lume from "";
import shiki from "";

const site = lume();

    highlighter: {
      langs: ["javascript"],
      themes: ["github-light"],
    theme: "github-light",

export default site;

Example with multiple themes

import lume from "";
import shikijfrom "";

const site = lume();

    highlighter: {
      langs: ["javascript"],
      themes: ["github-light", "github-dark"],
    themes: {
      light: "github-light",
      dark: "github-dark",
    defaultColor: "light",

export default site;

Example with custom variable

import lume from "";
import shiki from "";

const site = lume();

    highlighter: {
      langs: ["javascript"],
      themes: ["github-light", "github-dark"],
    themes: {
      light: "github-light",
      dark: "github-dark",
    defaultColor: "light",
    cssThemedVariables: [
    extraCSS: `
:root {
  --shiki-dark-border-color: #ffaa22;
  --shiki-light-border-color: #0088ff;

.shiki {
  border: 5px var(--shiki-border-color) solid;

export default site;

Common Options

type CommonOptions = {
   * The list of extensions this plugin applies to
   * @default [".html"]
  extensions?: string[];

   * Set the css filename for all generated styles, Set to false to insert a style tag per page.
   * @default false
  cssFile?: string | false

   * Highlighter options to configure theme and languages to load
  highlighter?: BundledHighlighterOptions<BuiltinLanguage, BuiltinTheme>;

   * Inject extra
  extraCSS?: string;

   * Transform the generated HAST tree.
  transformers?: ShikiTransformer[];

   * Prefix of CSS variables used to store the color of the other theme.
   * @default '--shiki-'
  cssVariablePrefix?: string;

   * Add variables that needs to be themed
   * You can optionaly give a defaultValue
  cssThemedVariables?: (string | [variableSuffix: string, defaultValue: string])[];

   * Use dark/light mode
  useColorScheme?: boolean;

Single theme options

type SingleThemeOptions = CommonOptions & {
   * Single theme used
   * @default 'vitesse-light'
  theme: ShikiThemes<Themes>;

Multi themes options

type MultiThemeOptions = CommonOptions & {
   * A map of color names to themes.
   * This allows you to specify multiple themes for the generated code.
   * @see
  themes?: Record<string, ShikiThemes<Themes>>;

   * Add [data-color] attribute to body element
   * It does not work like shiki implementation
   * @default false
  defaultColor?: string | false;

Use shikiExtra()

This plugin add extra CSS, CSS variables and shiki-transformers.

import lume from "";
import shiki from "";
import shikiExtra from "";

const site = lume();

    highlighter: {
      langs: ["javascript"],
      themes: ["github-light"],
    theme: "github-light",

  shikiExtra({ copyFiles: true })

export default site;

You need to add these files to your layout:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/shiki-extra/main.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/shiki-extra/transformerNotationDiff.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/shiki-extra/transformerNotationErrorLevel.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/shiki-extra/transformerNotationFocus.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/shiki-extra/transformerNotationHighlight.css">

Extra options:

type ExtraOptions = {
   * Copy files to destination directory
   * @default false
  copyFiles?: boolean;

   * Base directory of CSS files
   * Must ends with "/"
   * @default "styles/shiki/"
  baseDir?: string;