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Component Library 🍱 for Deno πŸ¦• Fresh πŸ‹
import * as lunchbox from "";

This module contains auxiliary types.

Type Aliases

This type is a shorthand of Record<string | number | symbol, never> that deno-lint(ban-types) recommends as the correct way to express the type of an empty object..

This type is used for standarizing all components. By design every component must have a protagonic HTMLElement that inherits its attributes, the GenericComponent properties, Aria atributes, and Event Handlers. See more

This type is a shorthand for an extension of JSX.HTMLAttributes<T>, Partial<ARIAMixin>, and Partial<GlobalEventHandlers>. It gives all attributes that come native to a particular HTMLElement.

This type is a shorthand that helps in forwarding props and references to a component's part. This type points to every secondary HTMLElement in a component.