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This module provides a Mocha-like interface with support for full async functions across the board. Hopefully it just works.

Pending work

Module is in prelim state - YMMV.

  • unit tests
  • full integration tests
  • full documentation


import * as Machiatto from ''


It’s mostly just like Mocha.

Run / name your tests just as you would with deno test, as this uses Deno.test under the hood.

The module provides the following exports:

  • describe creates a new nested suite of tests
  • it defines a new test in the current suite
  • before runs once before any tests in the suite
  • beforeEach runs before each test in the suite
  • after runs once after all tests in the suite
  • afterEach runs after each test in the suite
  • run actually executes the tests

All functions passed can be async and will be executed in defined order, with the exception of tests - tests are run in parallel.

export { expect } from "";
import { beforeEach, describe, it, run } from "../test.ts";
import { clone } from './date.ts'

describe('date.ts', function() {
    beforeEach(function() { = new Date('04/09/2021')

    describe('#clone', function() {

        beforeEach(function() {
            this.cloned = clone(

        it('returns a date from the exact same time', function() {

        it('returns a different date object', function() {


await run()