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Mandarine.TS is a typescript, decorator-driven framework that allows you to create server-side applications. Mandarine.TS provides a range of built-in solutions such as Dependency Injection, Components, ORM and more. Under its umbrella, Mandarine.TS has 4 modules: Core, Data, Security and MVC, these modules will offer you the requirements to build a Mandarine-powered application.
// Copyright 2020-2020 The Mandarine.TS Framework authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { DI } from "../../../../../main-core/dependency-injection/di.ns.ts";import { MVCDecoratorsProxy } from "../../../proxys/mvcCoreDecorators.ts";
/** * **Decorator** * * Defines a injection for a parameter in a HTTP handler, manually. * This is not recommended since you have to manually specify what type of injection you are looking for. * Instead, use decorators for each injection type. * * `@Param(paramType, name) * Target: Method parameter` */export const Param = (paramType: DI.InjectionTypes): Function => { return (target: Object, methodName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, paramType, methodName, index); };};
/** * **Decorator** * * Injects the value from a request that has a route param. * * `@RouteParam(name?) * Target: Method parameter` * * **name** should be equal to the route param key, ex. /user/:id => @RouteParam('id') * If **name** is ignored, it will take the parameter's name as the value */export const RouteParam = (name?: string): Function => { return (target: Object, propertyName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, DI.InjectionTypes.ROUTE_PARAM, propertyName, index, name); };};
/** * **Decorator** * * Injects the value from the query parameters of a request. * * `@QueryParam(name?) * Target: Method parameter` * * **name** should be equal to the route param key, ex. /getUser?id=123 => @QueryParam('id') * If **name** is ignored, it will take the parameter's name as the value */export const QueryParam = (name?: string): Function => { return (target: Object, propertyName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, DI.InjectionTypes.QUERY_PARAM, propertyName, index, name); };};
/** * **Decorator** * * Injects the request object from a request * * `@RequestParam() * Target: Method parameter` */export const RequestParam = (): Function => { return (target: Object, propertyName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, DI.InjectionTypes.REQUEST_PARAM, propertyName, index); };};
/** * **Decorator** * * Injects the whole context of the request * * `@RequestContext() * Target: Method parameter` */export const RequestContext = (): Function => { return (target: Object, propertyName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, DI.InjectionTypes.REQUEST_CONTEXT_PARAM, propertyName, index); };};

/** * **Decorator** * * Injects the session object from a request. * Modifications to the session will be automatically saved when the request finishes. * * `@Session() * Target: Method parameter` */export const Session = (): Function => { return (target: Object, propertyName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, DI.InjectionTypes.SESSION_PARAM, propertyName, index); };};
/** * **Decorator** * * Injects the Server Request object from a request. * * `@ServerRequestParam() * Target: Method parameter` */export const ServerRequestParam = (): Function => { return (target: Object, propertyName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, DI.InjectionTypes.SERVER_REQUEST_PARAM, propertyName, index); };};
/** * **Decorator** * * Injects the response object from a request. * * `@ResponseParam() * Target: Method parameter` */export const ResponseParam = (): Function => { return (target: Object, propertyName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, DI.InjectionTypes.RESPONSE_PARAM, propertyName, index); };};
/** * **Decorator** * * Injects a cookie from a request * * `@CookieParam(name) * Target: Method parameter` * * **name** should be equal to the cookie's name that is wanted. If ignored, the parameter's name will be taken as the cookie's name */export const CookieParam = (name?: string): Function => { return (target: Object, propertyName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, DI.InjectionTypes.COOKIE_PARAM, propertyName, index, name); };};
/** * **Decorator** * * Gets the value from the body of a request. * Mandarine will try to parse this value. * If its content type is application/json or application/x-www-form-urlencoded, it will be parsed to a javascript object * If its type is unknown, it will return an Uint8Array with the content of the body. * * `@RequestBody(name) * Target: Method parameter` */export const RequestBody = (): Function => { return (target: Object, propertyName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, DI.InjectionTypes.REQUEST_BODY_PARAM, propertyName, index); };};

/** * **Decorator** * * Gets a modeler for a template. By using the built-in modeler, it is easier to work with templates & the variable it will have. * * `@Model() * Target: Method parameter` */
export const Model = (): Function => { return (target: any, propertyName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, DI.InjectionTypes.TEMPLATE_MODEL_PARAM, propertyName, index); } }
/** * **Decorator** * * Gets all the parameters (query & route) present in the current request. * * `@Parameters() * Target: Method parameter` * * @returns an object of Mandarine.MandarineMVC.AllParameters */export const Parameters = (): Function => { return (target: any, propertyName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, DI.InjectionTypes.PARAMETERS_PARAM, propertyName, index); }}
/** * **Decorator** * * Injects the principal (user data) of the current authorized user in the request * * `@AuthPrincipal() * Target: Method parameter` * * @returns an object (which contains Mandarine.Security.Auth.UserDetails) with the user data. */export const AuthPrincipal = (): Function => { return (target: any, propertyName: string, index: number) => { MVCDecoratorsProxy.registerRoutingParam(target, DI.InjectionTypes.AUTH_PRINCIPAL_PARAM, propertyName, index); }}