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Mandarine.TS is a typescript, decorator-driven framework that allows you to create server-side applications. Mandarine.TS provides a range of built-in solutions such as Dependency Injection, Components, ORM and more. Under its umbrella, Mandarine.TS has 4 modules: Core, Data, Security and MVC, these modules will offer you the requirements to build a Mandarine-powered application.
// Copyright 2020-2020 The Mandarine.TS Framework authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// Credits:
/** * This class serves a promise repeater which will re-try your promise until they are successfully resolved or the max attempt limit has been reached. * * `await new PromiseRepeater(promiseFunc).maxAttempts(5).start();` * `await new PromiseRepeater(promiseFunc).maxAttempts(5).delay(1000).start();` * `await new PromiseRepeater(promiseFunc).unlimitedAttempts().delay(1000).start();` */export class PromiseRepeater { private config = { maxAttempts: 1, delayBetweenAttemptsMs: 0, };
private state = { attempts: 0, };
constructor(private readonly promiseFunc: () => Promise<any>) {
public maxAttempts(attempts: number): PromiseRepeater { this.config.maxAttempts = attempts; return this; }
public unlimitedAttempts(): PromiseRepeater { this.config.maxAttempts = Infinity; return this; }
public delay(delayBetweenAttemptsMs: number): PromiseRepeater { this.config.delayBetweenAttemptsMs = delayBetweenAttemptsMs; return this; }
public start(): Promise<any> { return this.attempt(); }
public async attempt(): Promise<any> { this.state.attempts++; let result = undefined; try { result = await this.promiseFunc(); } catch (error) { if (this.state.attempts === this.config.maxAttempts) { throw error; } // Failed attempt. Delay and then try again. if (this.config.delayBetweenAttemptsMs) { await this.sleep(this.config.delayBetweenAttemptsMs); } result = await this.attempt(); } return result; }
private sleep(timeoutMs: number): Promise<void> { return new Promise((resolve): void => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(); }, timeoutMs); }); }}