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Mandarine.TS is a typescript, decorator-driven framework that allows you to create server-side applications. Mandarine.TS provides a range of built-in solutions such as Dependency Injection, Components, ORM and more. Under its umbrella, Mandarine.TS has 4 modules: Core, Data, Security and MVC, these modules will offer you the requirements to build a Mandarine-powered application.
// Copyright 2020-2020 The Mandarine.TS Framework authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import type { Cookie } from "../mvc-framework/core/interfaces/http/cookie.ts";import { Mandarine } from "../main-core/Mandarine.ns.ts";import type { Request, Response } from "../deps.ts"import type { ClassType } from "../main-core/utils/utilTypes.ts";
/** * Contains all the essentials for Mandarine's security core to work */export namespace MandarineSecurity {
export namespace Crypto { export interface PasswordEncoder { encode: (rawPassword: string) => string; matches: (rawPassword: string, encodedPassword: string) => boolean; } }
export namespace Sessions {
/** * Used in callbacks from Mandarine's native Session storage system. This is not necessary to use. * */ export enum MandarineSessionExceptions { SESSION_NOT_FOUND = 0 }
/** * Represents the object of a mandarine session. **This is not customizable**. * */ export interface MandarineSession { sessionID: string; sessionCookie: Cookie | undefined; sessionData?: object; expiresAt?: Date; createdAt?: Date; isSessionNew?: boolean; }
/** * Represents how a SessionStore implementation should be designed. * SessionStore is used to design & use the process of manipulating sessions * */
export interface SessionStore { /** * Prepares session store. * Called when mounting session container during Mandarine Build Time (MBT). */ launch?(): void;
/** * Gets a session. If it does not exist returns undefined. If param config.touch = true, updates the expiration of the session */ get(sessionID: string, config?: { touch: boolean }): Mandarine.Security.Sessions.MandarineSession | undefined,
/** * Gets all the sessions in the session container */ getAll(): Array<Mandarine.Security.Sessions.MandarineSession>,
/** * Adds a session to the session container. * For overriding, set config.override to true */ set(sessionID: string, session: Mandarine.Security.Sessions.MandarineSession, config?: { override: boolean }): Mandarine.Security.Sessions.MandarineSession; /** * Removes a session from the session container if it exists */ destroy(sessionID: string): void; /** * Updates the expiration of a session */ touch(sessionID: string): Mandarine.Security.Sessions.MandarineSession | undefined; /** * Verifies whether a session exists */ exists(sessionID: string): boolean;
/** * Handles the elimination of all expired sessions. This function is called in an internal interval managed by Mandarine. */ clearExpiredSessions(): void;
/** * Expiration time of a session (IN MS) * Default: (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) (1 day) */ getDefaultExpiration(): number;
/** * Interval in milliseconds to call expired sessions cleaner * Default: (1000 * 60 * 60) (1 hour) */ getExpirationInterval(): number;
/** * Returns a boolean specifying whether expired sessions should be autocleared by an internal handler */ getAutoclearExpiredSessions(): boolean; }
export interface SessionCookie { path?: string, httpOnly?: boolean secure?: boolean, maxAge?: number | null }
/** * Represents the object of the configuration for the Session Container * */ export interface SessionContainer { cookie?: SessionCookie, keys: string[], sessionPrefix?: string; genId?: Function, resave?: boolean, rolling?: boolean, saveUninitialized?: boolean, store?: SessionStore }
/** * Data present in request regarding the current session */ export interface SessionContextObj { sessionID: string; sessionCookie: any; sessionData: any; } }
export namespace Auth {
/** * Permission validators are functions executed during the evaluation of a security expression. * PermissionValidator is how Mandarine interprets a security expression */ export type PermissionValidator = (request: any, authentication: any) => (...parameters: Array<any>) => boolean;
export type GrantedAuthority = string; export type PredefinedExpressions = "isauthenticated()" | "hasRole()"; export type Permissions = Array<string | Mandarine.Security.Auth.GrantedAuthority | Mandarine.Security.Auth.PredefinedExpressions> | string;
/** * List of known authentication exceptions */ export enum AuthExceptions { INVALID_USER = "INVALID_USER", INVALID_PASSWORD = "INVALID_PASSWORD", INVALID_ROLES = "INVALID_ROLES", ACCOUNT_EXPIRED = "ACCOUNT_EXPIRED", ACCOUNT_LOCKED = "ACCOUNT_LOCKED", CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED = "CREDENTIALS_EXPIRED", ACCOUNT_DISABLED = "ACCOUNT_DISABLED", INVALID_COOKIE = "INVALID_COOKIE", } /** * Interface for the minimum of information a user model must have when using Mandarine's built-in authentication. */ export interface UserDetails { /** * Returns an array with the roles the current user has. Cannot return null nor undefined inside the array. * Ex: ["ADMIN", "MODERATOR", "USER"] */ roles: Array<GrantedAuthority> | Array<string>;
/** * Returns the password (encrypted) of the current user. */ password: string;
/** * Returns the username of the current user */ username: string;
/** * Returns the id of the current user */ uid: number | string;
/** * Indicates whether the user's account has expired. * An expired account cannot be authenticated. */ accountExpired: boolean;
/** * Indicates whether the user is locked or unlocked. * A locked user cannot be authenticated. */ accountLocked: boolean; /** * Indicates whether the user's credentials (password) has expired. * An account with expired credentials cannot be authenticated. */ credentialsExpired: boolean;
/** * Indicates whether the user is enabled or disabled. * A disabled user cannot be authenticated. */ enabled: boolean; }
/** * Interface for a mandarine-powered component (type service) which will be used for built-in authentication */ export interface UserDetailsService { /** * Locates the user based on the username. * * @param username the username identifying the user whose data is required. * * @returns A user record with an implementation of UserDetails * * @throws MandarineSecurityException if no user was found. */ loadUserByUsername: (username: string) => UserDetails | undefined; }
/** * Contains the state of a built-in authentication process * * @public status => Status of the built-in authentication process: FAILED if known error, PASSED if success, ALREADY-LOGGED-IN if success, UNKNOWN if unknown error * @public exception => Exception if known * authSesId => Current Session id of authentication if ALREADY-LOGGED-IN or login passed * message => data of the status */ export interface AuthenticationResult { status: "FAILED" | "PASSED" | "ALREADY-LOGGED-IN" | "UNKNOWN"; exception?: AuthExceptions; authSesId?: string; message?: string; }
/** * Principal interface for the authentication manager builder, which indicates what what service (implementing Mandarine.Security.Auth.UserDetailsService) we will call for built-in authentication */ export interface AuthenticationManagerBuilder { userDetailsService: (implementation: ClassType) => AuthenticationManagerBuilder; getUserDetailsService: () => UserDetailsService; passwordEncoder: (implementation: Crypto.PasswordEncoder) => AuthenticationManagerBuilder; getPasswordEncoder(): Crypto.PasswordEncoder; }
export type AuthenticatorExecutor = (authenticationResult: Mandarine.Security.Auth.AuthenticationResult, userDetails: Mandarine.Security.Auth.UserDetails | undefined) => void;
export interface PerformAuthenticationOptions { username: string, password: string, executer?: Mandarine.Security.Auth.AuthenticatorExecutor }
export interface PerformHTTPAuthenticationOptions { username: string, password: string, requestContext: Mandarine.Types.RequestContext executers?: { authExecuter?: Mandarine.Security.Auth.AuthenticatorExecutor, httpExecuter?: Mandarine.Security.Auth.AuthenticatorExecutor } }
/** * Private API to perform authentication (Mandarine's built-in Authentication) */ export interface Authenticator { getAuthenticationId: (requestContext: Mandarine.Types.RequestContext) => string | undefined; performAuthentication: (data: PerformAuthenticationOptions) => [AuthenticationResult, UserDetails | undefined]; performHTTPAuthentication: (data: PerformHTTPAuthenticationOptions) => [AuthenticationResult, UserDetails | undefined]; stopHTTPAuthentication: (requestContext: Mandarine.Types.RequestContext) => void; }
/** * Handler for login/logout whether successful or not. This is executed after login/logout was called (from built-in authentication) */ export interface Handler { onSuccess: (request: Request, response: Response, result: AuthenticationResult) => void; onFailure: (request: Request, response: Response, result: AuthenticationResult) => void; }
/** * Data present in request.authentication * AUTH_SES_ID refers to the session id with the data of the user that was logged in through Mandarine's built-in authentication * AUTH_EXPIRES refers to the time when the session will expire * AUTH_PRINCIPAL refers to all the data that was loaded (following the UserDetails implementation) */ export interface RequestAuthObj { AUTH_SES_ID: string; AUTH_EXPIRES: Date; AUTH_PRINCIPAL: any; } }
export namespace Core {
/** * Data to be used for login/logout purposes from built-in authentication */ export interface LoginConfigurer { loginProcessingUrl: string | undefined; loginSucessUrl: string | undefined; usernameParameter: string | undefined; passwordParameter: string | undefined; logoutUrl: string | undefined; logoutSuccessUrl: string | undefined; handler: Auth.Handler; }
export namespace Modules { /** * Implementation of Login Builder, used to create the behaviors for built-in authentication */ export interface LoginBuilder { login: LoginConfigurer; loginProcessingUrl: (url: string) => LoginBuilder; loginSuccessUrl: (url: string) => LoginBuilder; loginUsernameParameter: (parameter: string) => LoginBuilder; loginPasswordParameter: (parameter: string) => LoginBuilder; logoutUrl: (url: string) => LoginBuilder; logoutSuccessUrl: (url: string) => LoginBuilder; handler?: (handler: Auth.Handler) => LoginBuilder; } }
/** * Gets the current login builder which contains the information of the endpoints for built-in logins * * @Returns Mandarine.Security.Auth.AuthenticationManagerBuilder */ export function getAuthManagerBuilder(): Auth.AuthenticationManagerBuilder { let mandarineGlobal: Mandarine.Global.MandarineGlobalInterface = Mandarine.Global.getMandarineGlobal(); return mandarineGlobal.__SECURITY__.auth.authManagerBuilder; }}