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🏪2️⃣🟠 Market Commons ⅠⅠ – Ecmascript

This repository provides an implementation of the Market Commons ⅠⅠ markup language into Ecmascript, usable with Deno (and in browsers).

Market Commons ⅠⅠ is a sort of “extensible Markdown for X·M·L”; an example follows :—

<?market-commons 2.0 ",2021:market/html" [
    <!-- Defines 🌈| … |🌈 as <mark class="RAINBOW">…</mark>. -->
    <!-- You must use character references when defining sigils! -->
    <!INLINE &#x1F308; mark { class="RAINBOW" }>
<!-- The following preamble will be inserted into the <head>:— -->
<title lang="en" xml:lang="en">My Market Commons ⅠⅠ Document</title>

@ {@en .MAIN #content} My Market Commons ⅠⅠ Document

This is a sample document written in #|Market Commons ⅠⅠ|#.
It is titled '|My Market Commons ⅠⅠ Document|' {.ARTICLE} and it is *|very|* interesting.
🌈|Wow!!|🌈 { data-rainbow-level=Infinity }

This produces the following X·M·L:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <meta name="generator" content="market-commons 2.0&#xA;"/>
    <!-- BEGIN PREAMBLE -->
<!-- The following preamble will be inserted into the <head>:— -->
<title lang="en" xml:lang="en">My Market Commons ⅠⅠ Document</title>
    <!-- END PREAMBLE -->
    <!-- BEGIN CONTENT -->
<article lang="en" xml:lang="en" class="MAIN" id="content">
    <h1 aria-level="1">My Market Commons ⅠⅠ Document</h1>
    <p>This is a sample document written in <b>Market Commons ⅠⅠ</b>.
It is titled <cite class="ARTICLE">My Market Commons ⅠⅠ Document</cite> and it is <em>very</em> interesting.
<mark class="RAINBOW" data-rainbow-level="Infinity">Wow!!</mark>
    <!-- END CONTENT -->

Current Status

In development. Initial v0.1.0 release (hopefully) September 2021.

The v0.0.⸺ series of releases provide an initial preview of underlying technologies (e.g. Declaration of Jargon processing), but do not include a functioning parser.

🏪2️⃣🟠 Market Commons ⅠⅠ – Ecmascript is a reference implementation written with the hope of being easy to understand and maintain. Faster algorithms for processing Market Commons ⅠⅠ documents likely exist.


🏪2️⃣🟠 Market Commons ⅠⅠ – Ecmascript requires a contemporary Ecmascript environment with some additional D·O·M / Web A·P·Is. In Deno (1.13+), the missing pieces are suitably filled in by importing ./fauxbrowser/mod.js from this directory. On the other hand, in browsers, the piece most likely to be missing is structuredClone().


🏪2️⃣🟠 Market Commons ⅠⅠ – Ecmascript is available on with the module name market.

import { parse } from ""

//  Provides `DOMParser`, `TreeWalker`, and `XMLSerializer`.
//  Only necessary if you are in an environment (e.g., Deno) which
//    doesn’t already support those A·P·Is.
import ""

parse(myDocumentText)  //  returns an `XMLDocument`

/*  See `./market2xml.js` for a more extensive example.  */

Note that Market Commons ⅠⅠ produces files in the X·M·L, not H·T·M·L, syntax. They should be served with a mediatype of application/xml or application/xhtml+xml (or similar).

Tips & Tricks

Making Use of Entities

You can use X·M·L entity references to define re·usable components for your webpage. This requires overriding the default document template, but is fairly straightforward to do :—

<?market-commons 2.0 ",2021:market/html" [

    <!DOCUMENT [[
<!DOCTYPE html [
    <!-- You can define whatever entities in here you like. -->
    <!ENTITY cutie "(◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)">
<html xmlns="">
<head><preamble xmlns=",2021:market"/></head>
<body><content xmlns=",2021:market"/></body>


girls &cutie;

Market Commons ⅠⅠ doesn’t process these entity references at all—this is an ordinary feature of X·M·L.

Complex Processing

Market Commons ⅠⅠ is essentially just a “lightweight” alternate syntax for X·M·L. To achieve more complex processing of content, try combining it with other Web technologies like X·S·L·T or H·T·M·L Custom Elements.

Participation & Future

The goal of Market Commons ⅠⅠ is stability. The meaning of existing documents should not change, and new features will be added rarely (if ever). If there is a kind of document which is unbearably difficult for you to produce in the current language, and you have an idea for an extension to the Declaration of Jargon syntax which will make it easier, feel free to let us know. Additions to the builtin Declarations of Jargon may be considered if they are overwhelmingly useful and unlikely to affect existing documents.

You can discuss the language, get help, and share things you made using Market Commons ⅠⅠ via GitHub Discussions.

The best way to assist with Market Commons ⅠⅠ right now is by writing documentation, particularly of the Declaration of Jargon syntax and its capabilities. Welwritten tests of various aspects of processing are also appreciated.

If you have the ability to write a formal standard of the Market Commons ⅠⅠ language, and/or to have it assigned a proper media type by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority—get in touch.

Description of Market Commons ⅠⅠ

In lieu of a more formal specification, an overview of the Market Commons ⅠⅠ markup language follows.


The prologue of a Market Commons ⅠⅠ document consists of one, both, or neither of the following (in order) :—

  1. A Declaration of Jargon (D·J). A document is deemed to contain a Declaration of Jargon if it begins with the string <?market-commons. While not required, including a Declaration of Jargon is recommended to disambiguate Market Commons ⅠⅠ documents from older syntaxes.

    If not provided, the default Declaration of Jargon is as follows:

    <?market-commons 2.0 ",2021:market/html"?>
  2. A preamble. Preambles must match the content production in X·M·L and must not contain any successive line·breaks. If no Declaration of Jargon is present, preambles must begin with a <.

    In the default H·T·M·L Declaration of Jargon, preambles are inserted into the <head> of the document.

Prologues are terminated after the first blank line (successive line·break, with no other whitespace) following the Declaration of Jargon (if present, or the first blank line in the document otherwise).


Whitespace and Characters

Market Commons ⅠⅠ documents use X·M·L 1.1 definitions for whitespace, line breaking, and characters. They cannot contain any literal ReservedChar, and cannot reference characters which are not representable in X·M·L (like U+0000).

Characters can be escaped using ordinary X·M·L References, which are preserved in the output. The default (H·T·M·L) Declaration of Jargon for Market Commons ⅠⅠ documents does not define any entities, so e·g &aelig; will produce invalid X·M·L. On the other hand, default entities like &lt;, as well as character references like &#x2764;, will work in every Market Commons ⅠⅠ document.

Byte‐order mark processing is considered out‐of‐band; the Market Commons ⅠⅠ processor operates on Unicode text strings, not bytes. The method of acquiring these text strings is left to implementations.

Support for X·M·L 1.1 (or X·M·L 1.0 Fifth Edition) output which is not welformed under X·M·L 1.0 Fourth Edition is necessarily environment-dependent.

Lines and Sigils

Market Commons ⅠⅠ content is a line‐based syntax, meaning that markup generally cannot extend across linebreaks. Each line may begin with zero or more sigils and contain some amount of inline content.

The available sigils vary depending on the markup type and the Declaration of Jargon specified at the top of the file. Sigils may be separated from inline content, or further sigils, by whitespace.


Certain locations in the Market Commons ⅠⅠ syntax allow for the specification of attributes. Attributes are wrapped in curly braces and consist of zero or more of the following syntaxes, separated by A·S·C·I·I spaces or tabs :—

  • <sigil>value: Assigns value to the attribute name defined by sigil.

  • name=value: Assigns value to the attribute name.

  • name: Assigns the empty string to the attribute name.

Attribute values can include whitespace through either of the following mechanisms :—

  • Escaping the whitespace using an X·M·L character reference (&#x20; or &#x9;).

  • Specifying the same attribute multiple times, in which case the values will be joined (preserving order) with single spaces.

    ]|NASA|]{/National /Aeronautics /and /Space /Administration}
    ; Produces:
    ; ` <p><abbr title="National Aeronautics and Space Administration">NASA</abbr>
    ; ` </p>

The default (H·T·M·L) Declaration of Jargon defines the following attribute sigils :—

Sigil Attribute Name
#x21 ('!') href
#x23 ('#') id
#x24 ('$') style
#x25 ('%') resource
#x26 ('&') src
#x2A ('*') tabindex
#x2C (',') property
#x2E ('.') class
#x2F ('/') title
#x3B (';') typeof
#x3C ('<') rev
#x3D ('=') role
#x3E ('>') rel
#x3F ('?') about
#x40 ('@') lang
#x5E ('^') datatype
#x60 ('`') type
#x7E ('~') content


The lines of a Market Commons ⅠⅠ document are broken up into “chunks”, which can be either section, heading, or block in nature. The kind of chunk is determined by the sigil which begins the first line: A section sigil produces a section chunk; a heading sigil produces a heading chunk; and a block sigil (or no sigil) produces a block chunk. Section sigils take precedence over heading sigils which take precedence over block sigils.

Section and heading chunks consist of only a single line. Block chunks last up until the next line which contains only whitespace (A·S·C·I·I spaces and tabs). The meaning of these chunks are explained in more detail below:

Heading & Section Chunks

Heading and section chunks have fundamentally the same form.

[To come.]

Block Chunks

Block chunks represent a containing block element, optionally with further block elements nested inside, and usually eventually containing inline content.

[To come.]

Inline Content

[To come.]


Inlines allow markup to be placed within the inline content of a block. Inline markup consists of inline content surrounded by an open tag and a close tag, which take the form of a sigil followed or preceded by a | pipe character, respectively. Whitespace which surrounds inline content is ignored.

This is some *| inline |* content.

; Produces:
; ` <p>This is some <em>inline</em> content.
; ` </p>

Attributes can be attached to an inline following the close tag. Whitespace may be placed between the two.

An :| inline |: { data-with="attributes" }.

; Produces:
; ` <p>An <span data-with="attributes">inline</span>.
; ` </p>

An empty inline can be indicated using a # hash between two sigils, like so :—

These are the same:
@||@ {!}
@#@ {!}

; Produces:
; ` <p>These are the same:
; ` <a href=""></a>
; ` <a href=""></a>
; ` </p>

These have slightly different behaviours in the case of TEXTTO inlines :—

These are slightly different:
&||& { &./image.png }
&#& { &./image.png }

; Produces:
; ` <p>These are slightly different:
; ` <img alt="" src="./image.png"/>
; ` <img src="./image.png"/>
; ` </p>

Hash has a lower precedence than pipe :—


; Produces:
; ` <p>:#<span></span>
; ` </p>

The default (H·T·M·L) Declaration of Jargon defines the following inline sigils :—

Sigil Inline Name Notes
#x21 ('!') strong
#x22 ('"') q
#x23 ('#') b
#x24 ('$') var
#x25 ('%') mark
#x26 ('&') img TEXTTO alt, title
#x27 ("'") cite
#x2A ('*') em
#x2B ('+') ins
#x2C (',') sub
#x2D ('-') del
#x2E ('.') ruby Use `{
#x2F ('/') i
#x3A (':') span
#x3B (';') N/A COMMENT: Contents (and attributes) are ignored
#x3C ('<') samp
#x3D ('=') s
#x3E ('>') kbd
#x3F ('?') dfn
#x40 ('@') a TEXTFROM href (if empty)
#x5B ('[') small
#x5C ('\') br TEXTTO data-text
#x5D (']') abbr
#x5E ('^') sup
#x5F ('_') u
#x60 ('`') N/A LITERAL: Contents are treated as X·M·L; attibutes are ignored
#x7E ('~') code


Market Commons ⅠⅠ (as well as the original Market Commons) was designed by Margaret KIBI. This implementation, 🏪2️⃣🟠 Market Commons ⅠⅠ – Ecmascript, is made available under the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.

Market Commons documents have historically been distributed using the text/ mediatype. However, application/ is likely a better choice, and for Market Commons ⅠⅠ documents (until such a time as a more formal registration is made) the latter is recommended. Implementations which need to distinguish between Market Commons and Market Commons ⅠⅠ documents may use text/ for the former and application/ for the latter, so relevant parties should be advised.

Market Commons [ⅠⅠ] documents are usually given a .market extension. A .marketdj extension is recommended for external Declaration of Jargon documents.

Make your source files available! Including a <link> element in the preamble of your document will help others find the original Market Commons ⅠⅠ source. The following is an example :—

<link rel="alternate" type="application/" href=""/>

Behind the name.

Historians may be interested in the original Market Commons.