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import { Expression } from "./Expression.ts";
export function evaluate(ast: Expression): number { if (ast.type === "NumericLiteral") { return ast.value; } if (ast.type === "UnaryExpression") { if (ast.operator === "-") { return -1 * evaluate(ast.argument); } throw new Error(`Unary operator ${ast.operator} not supported`); } if (ast.type === "BinaryExpression") { if (ast.operator === "-") { return evaluate(ast.left) - evaluate(ast.right); } if (ast.operator === "*") { return evaluate(ast.left) * evaluate(ast.right); } if (ast.operator === "+") { return evaluate(ast.left) + evaluate(ast.right); }
if (ast.operator === "/") { const num1 = evaluate(ast.left); const num2 = evaluate(ast.right); const sign = Math.sign(num2) * Math.sign(num1); return sign * Math.floor(Math.abs(num1) / Math.abs(num2)); //整数除法 } throw new Error(`Binary operator ${ast.operator} not supported`); } if (ast.type === "ParenthesizedExpression") { return evaluate(ast.expression); } throw Error("not support expression");}