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import { TreeNode } from "../binary-tree-inorder-traversal/TreeNode.ts";
class BSTIterator { #root: TreeNode | null | undefined; #stack: TreeNode[] = []; #cur: TreeNode | null | undefined; constructor(root: TreeNode | null) { this.#root = root; this.#cur = root; }
next(): number { if (!this.#root) { return -Infinity; } while (this.#cur) { this.#stack.push(this.#cur); this.#cur = this.#cur.left; } const cur = this.#stack.pop(); const ret = cur?.val; this.#cur = cur?.right;
return ret ?? Infinity; }
hasNext(): boolean { if (!this.#root) { return false; } return !!(this.#stack.length || this.#cur); }}
export default BSTIterator;