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import { TreeNode } from "../binary-tree-inorder-traversal/TreeNode.ts";
class FindElements { #root: TreeNode | null; #values = new Set<number>(); constructor(root: TreeNode | null) { this.#root = root; if (root) { root.val = 0; const nodes = [root]; while (nodes.length) { const node = nodes[nodes.length - 1]; nodes.pop(); const value = node.val; this.#values.add(value); if (node.left) { node.left.val = 2 * node.val + 1; nodes.push(node.left); } if (node.right) { node.right.val = 2 * node.val + 2; nodes.push(node.right); } } } }
find(target: number): boolean { if (!this.#root) return false; return this.#values.has(target); }}export default FindElements;