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import { TreeNode } from "../binary-tree-inorder-traversal/TreeNode.ts";
export function serialize(root: TreeNode | null): string { if (!root) { return "null"; }
return JSON.stringify(TreeNodeToArray(root)).replaceAll("null", "");}type TreeNodeArray = | null | [number, TreeNodeArray, TreeNodeArray] | number | [number, TreeNodeArray];function TreeNodeToArray(root: TreeNode | null): TreeNodeArray { if (!root) return null; if (!root.left && !root.right) { return root.val; } if (root.left && !root.right) { return [root.val, TreeNodeToArray(root.left)]; } return [root.val, TreeNodeToArray(root.left), TreeNodeToArray(root.right)];}function ArrayToTreeNode(array: TreeNodeArray): TreeNode | null { // console.log('array',array) if (array === null) return null; if (Array.isArray(array) && array.length === 3) { return new TreeNode( array[0], ArrayToTreeNode(array[1]), ArrayToTreeNode(array[2]), ); } if (Array.isArray(array) && array.length === 2) { return new TreeNode(array[0], ArrayToTreeNode(array[1])); } if (typeof array === "number") { return new TreeNode(array); } throw new Error("not array length 3 or 2:" + array);}export function deserialize(data: string): TreeNode | null { if (data === "null") { return null; } const array = JSON.parse( data.replaceAll(",,", ",null,"), // .replaceAll(",]", ",null]"), ); return ArrayToTreeNode(array);}