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export default sumPrefixScores;function sumPrefixScores(words: string[]): number[] { const root = new TrieNode(); for (const word of words) { TrieNodeInsert(root, word); } const word2sum = new Map<string, number>(); dfs(root, 0, word2sum); return => { const sum = word2sum.get(word) ?? 0; return sum; });}function dfs(node: TrieNode, sum: number, word2sum: Map<string, number>) { if (node.wordCount) { word2sum.set(node.prefix, sum); } for (const child of Object.values(node.children)) { dfs(child, sum + child.prefixCount, word2sum); }}export function TrieNodeInsert(root: TrieNode, word: string) { if (word.length === 0) return; let node = root; for (const ch of word) { const next = node.children[ch] ?? new TrieNode(); node.children[ch] = next; node = next; node.prefixCount++; } node.wordCount++; node.prefix = word;}export class TrieNode { children: Record<string, TrieNode>; prefix: string; wordCount: number; prefixCount: number; constructor(wordCount = 0, prefixCount = 0, children = {}, prefix = "") { this.wordCount = wordCount; this.prefixCount = prefixCount; this.children = children; this.prefix = prefix; }}