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export default function wordBreak(s: string, wordDict: string[]): string[] { if ( Array.from(new Set(s)).some((c) => !wordDict.some((w) => w.includes(c))) ) return []; const lens = Array.from(new Set( => a.length))).sort(( a, b, ) => a - b); const n: number = s.length; const set: Set<string> = new Set(wordDict); const cache: string[][][] = Array(n); const list = dfs(0); return => t.join(" "));
function dfs(k: number): string[][] { if (cache[k]) return cache[k]; if (k >= n) return [[]]; const res: string[][] = []; for (const len of lens) { const i = k + len; if (k + len > s.length) break; const str = s.slice(k, i); if (set.has(str)) { const arr = dfs(i); for (const a of arr) { res.push([str, ...a]); } } } cache[k] = res; return res; }}