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import { ArrayToListNode } from "../reverse-linked-list/ArrayToListNode.ts";import { ListNode } from "../reverse-linked-list/ListNode.ts";import { ListNodeToArray } from "../reverse-linked-list/ListNodeToArray.ts";
export default function partition( head: ListNode | null, x: number,): ListNode | null { if (!head) return head; if (! return head; const array = ListNodeToArray(head); const small = array.filter((a) => a < x); const big = array.filter((a) => a >= x); return ArrayToListNode([...small, ...big]);}// function ListNodeToArray(list: ListNode | null): Array<number> {// if (list === null) {// return [];// }// const array: Array<number> = [];// let temp: ListNode | null = list;// while (temp) {// array.push(temp.val);// temp =;// }// return array;// }// function ArrayToListNode(array: Array<number>): ListNode | null {// if (array.length === 0) {// return null;// }// const list = new ListNode(array[0]);// let cur = list;// for (let i = 1; i < array.length; i++) {// const v = array[i];// const l = new ListNode(v);// = l;// cur =;// }// // array.slice(1).reduce((p, v) => {// // const l = new ListNode(v);// // = l;// // return l;// // }, list);// return list;// }