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import { get_length_of_list } from "../mod.ts";import { ListNode } from "../reverse-linked-list/ListNode.ts";
export default function splitListToParts( head: ListNode | null, k: number,): Array<ListNode | null> { if (!head || k === 0) { return Array(k).fill(null); }
const length = get_length_of_list(head); const quotient = Math.floor(length / k);
const remainder = length % k; const result: Array<ListNode | null> = Array(k).fill(null); const sizes = Array<number>(k) .fill(0) .map((_, i) => { if (i < remainder) { return quotient + 1; } else { return quotient; } });
let cur: ListNode | null = head; let index = 0; let partSize = 0; while (cur) { const next: ListNode | null =;
if (partSize === 0) { result[index] = cur; } if (index === k - 1) return result;
if (partSize >= sizes[index]) { partSize = 0; index++; = null; } cur = next; } return result;}