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import { parse, walk } from "./deps.ts";import AsyncLimiterClass, { AsyncCurrentLimiter,} from "";import { WalkEntry } from "";import { split_by_count } from "./utils/split_by_count.ts";function searchFilesNames({ skip,}: // limiter, { skip?: RegExp | RegExp[]; // limiter: AsyncCurrentLimiter; }) { console.log("type check start!");
const entry_iter = walk(".", { includeFiles: true, includeDirs: false, exts: ["ts"], skip: [/node_modules/, skip].flat().filter(Boolean) as RegExp[], }); return entry_iter;}if (import.meta.main) { await start(); // .catch(console.error);}
async function parallel_check( entry_iter: AsyncIterableIterator<WalkEntry>, limiter: AsyncCurrentLimiter,) { const files: string[] = [];
for await (const entry of entry_iter) { files.push(entry.path); }
const entries = split_by_count(files, 30);
await Promise.all( => => runDenoCheck(stack))), );}async function start() { const limiter = new AsyncLimiterClass(navigator.hardwareConcurrency); const args = parse(Deno.args); console.log(args); const skip = typeof args.skip === "string" ? new RegExp(String(args.skip)) : Array.isArray(args.skip) ? => new RegExp(s)) : undefined; const entry_iter = searchFilesNames({ skip }); await parallel_check(entry_iter, limiter); console.log("type check Done!");}
async function runDenoCheck(stack: string[]) { const cmd = ["deno", "check", "--unstable", ...stack]; console.log(cmd); const process ={ cmd: cmd, stderr: "piped", stdout: "piped", }); const [status, stdout, stderr] = await Promise.all([ process.status(), process.output(), process.stderrOutput(), ]); const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const out = decoder.decode(stdout); const err = decoder.decode(stderr); console.log(status, out, err); process.close(); if (!status.success) { throw new Error("type check failed:" + out + err); }}