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A deno module for handling null and undefined values, inspired by Rusts Option<T>
import { match, isNil, Matcher, Maybe } from "./mod.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertThrows,} from "";
const UNWRAP_ERROR_MSG: string = "Called unwrap on nil value";
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::isNil::true_for_null", fn: () => { assert(isNil(null)); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::isNil::true_for_undefined", fn: () => { assert(isNil(null)); assert(isNil(undefined)); assert(!isNil("testi")); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::isNil::false_for_value", fn: () => { assert(!isNil("testi")); assert(!isNil(2)); assert(!isNil({})); assert(!isNil([])); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::match::freezes_value", fn: () => { const val = match("testi" as Maybe<string>);
assert(Object.isFrozen(val.unwrap())); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::maybe::return_value", fn: () => { const original: Maybe<string> = "testi" as Maybe<string>; const value: Matcher<string> = match(original);
assertEquals(value.asMaybe(), original); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::maybe::return_mapped_value", fn: () => { const original: Maybe<string> = "testi" as Maybe<string>; const value: Matcher<string> = match(original).map((val) => `${val}2`);
assertEquals(value.asMaybe(), "testi2"); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::unwrap::return_value", fn: () => { const original: Maybe<string> = "testi" as Maybe<string>; const value: Matcher<string> = match(original);
assertEquals(value.unwrap(), original); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::unwrap::throw_nil", fn: () => { const value: Matcher<string> = match(null as Maybe<string>);
assertThrows( () => { value.unwrap(); }, Error, UNWRAP_ERROR_MSG, ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::unwrapOr::return_value", fn: () => { const original: Maybe<string> = "testi" as Maybe<string>; const value: Matcher<string> = match(original);
assertEquals(value.unwrapOr("testo"), original); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::unwrapOr::return_default_on_nil", fn: () => { const expected: string = "testo"; const value: Matcher<string> = match(null as Maybe<string>);
assertEquals(value.unwrapOr(expected), expected); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::andThen::map_with_fn", fn: () => { type Ty = { p: Maybe<string> }; const num: Maybe<Ty> = { p: "testi" } as Maybe<Ty>; const fn = (n: Ty): Matcher<string> => match(n.p);
const mt: Matcher<string> = match(num).andThen(fn);
assertEquals(mt.unwrap(), "testi"); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::map::map_with_fn", fn: () => { const num: Maybe<number> = 1 as Maybe<number>; const fn = (n: number): Maybe<string> => `${n}` as Maybe<string>;
const mt: Matcher<string> = match(num).map(fn);
assertEquals(mt.unwrap(), "1"); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::map::pass_through_nil", fn: () => { const num: Maybe<number> = null as Maybe<number>; const fn = (n: number): Maybe<string> => `${n}`;
const mt: Matcher<string> = match(num).map(fn);
assertThrows( () => { mt.unwrap(); }, Error, UNWRAP_ERROR_MSG, ); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::map::nil_dont_call_fn", fn: () => { const num: Maybe<number> = null as Maybe<number>; let called: boolean = false; const fn = (n: number): Maybe<string> => { called = true; return `${n}`; };
const mt: Matcher<string> = match(num).map(fn);
assertThrows( () => { mt.unwrap(); }, Error, UNWRAP_ERROR_MSG, ); assert(!called); },});
Deno.test( { name: "maybe::Matcher::isOk::true_if_ok", fn: () => { const mt = match("some" as Maybe<string>);
assert(mt.isOk()); }, },);
Deno.test( { name: "maybe::Matcher::isOk::false_if_nil", fn: () => { const mt = match(null as Maybe<string>);
assert(!mt.isOk()); }, },);
Deno.test( { name: "maybe::Matcher::isNil::true_if_nil", fn: () => { const mt = match(null as Maybe<string>);
assert(mt.isNil()); }, },);
Deno.test( { name: "maybe::Matcher::isNil::false_if_ok", fn: () => { const mt = match("some" as Maybe<string>);
assert(!mt.isNil()); }, },);
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::nil::call_fn_if_nil", fn: () => { const mt = match(null as Maybe<string>); let called = false; const fn = () => called = true;
assert(called); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::nil::dont_call_fn_if_ok", fn: () => { const mt = match("some" as Maybe<string>); let called = false; const fn = () => called = true;
assert(!called); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::ok::call_fn_if_ok", fn: () => { const mt = match("some" as Maybe<string>); let called: boolean = false; const fn = () => called = true;
assert(called); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::ok::dont_call_chain_nil_if_ok", fn: () => { const mt = match("some" as Maybe<string>); let called: string = "none"; const fn1 = () => called = "ok"; const fn2 = () => called = "nil";
assertEquals(called, "ok"); },});
Deno.test({ name: "maybe::Matcher::ok::dont_call_fn_if_nil", fn: () => { const mt = match(null as Maybe<string>); let called: boolean = false; const fn = () => called = true;
assert(!called); },});