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A generic build system for Deno web apps
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import { crayon, globToRegExp, join, log, resolve, sprintf } from "./deps.ts";import { IFile } from "./sources/file.ts";import { FileBag } from "./sources/fileBag.ts";import { buildModuleGraph } from "./graph.ts";import { Logger } from "./logger.ts";import { Entrypoint, EntrypointConfig } from "./entrypoint.ts";import type { GlobToRegExpOptions, ImportMap } from "./types.ts";import { isRemoteSpecifier } from "./graph/specifiers.ts";import { vendorEntrypoint } from "./vendor.ts";import { gatherSources } from "./sources/gatherSources.ts";import { cssProcessor } from "./processor/css.ts";
export type BuildContext = { /** * Absolute path to the project root directory. */ root: string; /** * Absolute path to the ourput directory. */ output: string; /** * Relative path to your importMap from root. */ importMapPath: string;
/** * The kind of module graph to build * @default "codeOnly" */ graphKind?: "codeOnly" | "all";
compiler?: { minify?: boolean; sourceMaps?: boolean; jsxImportSource?: string; }; /** * Give your build system a custom name. Used as logging prefix. * @default "mesozoic" */ name?: string; /** * Customise the logging level * @default "INFO" */ logLevel?: log.LevelName;};
/** * An object where the keys are a path of an entrypoint * relative to the {@link BuildContext.root} */export type BuilderEntrypoints = { [path: string]: EntrypointConfig;};
export type BuildResult = { sources: FileBag; compiled: FileBag; entrypoints: Entrypoint[];};
export class Builder { private hasCopied = false; private isValid = false;
public importMap: ImportMap = { imports: {}, scopes: {}, };
public log: Logger; public entrypoints: Map<string, EntrypointConfig> = new Map();
public ignored: RegExp[] = []; public dynamicImportIgnored: RegExp[] = []; public hashed: RegExp[] = []; public compiled: RegExp[] = [];
constructor(public readonly context: BuildContext) { this.log = new Logger(context?.logLevel || "INFO", context?.name);
if (this.context.root.startsWith(".")) { throw new Error("root must be an absolute path"); } if (this.context.output.startsWith(".")) { throw new Error("output must be an absolute path"); }
this.importMap = JSON.parse( Deno.readTextFileSync( join(this.context.root, this.context.importMapPath), ), ); }
setEntrypoints(entrypoints: BuilderEntrypoints) { this.entrypoints = new Map(Object.entries(entrypoints)); }
getEntrypoint(path: string) { return this.entrypoints.get(path); }
isEntrypoint(source: IFile): boolean { const alias = source.relativeAlias(); const path = alias ?? source.relativePath();
return this.entrypoints.has(path); }
setCompiled(paths: string[]) { this.compiled = this.#buildPatterns(paths); }
isCompilable(source: IFile): boolean { return this.compiled.some((pattern) => pattern.test(source.relativePath())); }
setHashed(paths: string[]) { this.hashed = this.#buildPatterns(paths); }
isHashable(source: IFile): boolean { return this.hashed.some((pattern) => pattern.test(source.relativePath())); }
/** * Allows ignoring certain files from the build process, they won't be copied * to the build output directory, so no further processing will occur on them. * * @param paths an array of relative paths to exclude from the build process. */ setIgnored(paths: string[]) { this.ignored = this.#buildPatterns([ ...paths, this.context.output, ]); }
isIgnored(source: IFile): boolean { return this.ignored.some((pattern) => pattern.test(source.relativePath())); }
setDynamicImportIgnored(paths: string[]) { this.dynamicImportIgnored = this.#buildPatterns(paths); }
isDynamicImportSpecifierIgnored(specifier: string) { return this.dynamicImportIgnored.some((pattern) => pattern.test(specifier)); }
async build(sources: FileBag): Promise<BuildResult> { this.#valid();
/** * Gather compilable sources and compile them */ try { const compilable = sources.filter((source) => this.isCompilable(source)); const compiled = await this.compileSources(compilable);
/** * Process css files */ await cssProcessor(sources);
/** * Get the entrypoint source files */ const entrypoints = Array.from( compiled.filter((source) => this.isEntrypoint(source)), ).map((source) => { const config = this.getEntrypoint( source.relativeAlias() || source.relativePath(), ); return new Entrypoint( source.path(), source.root(), config, ); });
/** * Get all the local sources */ const localSources = sources.filter((source) => !isRemoteSpecifier(String(source.url())) );
/** * Create the module graph for each entrypoint */
for (const entrypoint of entrypoints.values()) { const path = entrypoint.relativeAlias() ?? entrypoint.relativePath(); sprintf( 'Building "%s" module graph for entrypoint %s', crayon.lightBlue(entrypoint.config!.target), path, ), );
const graph = await buildModuleGraph( this, localSources, entrypoint, );
this.log.success("Module graph built");
/** * Vendor modules for each entrypoint */"Vendor modules for entrypoint %s", path));
await vendorEntrypoint( this, entrypoint, localSources, );
this.log.success( sprintf("Vendored modules for entrypoint %s", path), ); }
return { sources, compiled, entrypoints, }; } catch (error) { throw error; } }
#valid() { if (this.isValid) { return; }
if (!this.hasCopied) { throw new Error("must copy sources before performing a build."); }
this.isValid = true; }
/** * Walk the root for SourceFiles obeying exclusion patterns */ gatherSources(from: string = this.context.root) { return gatherSources(from); }
async cleanOutput() { try { await Deno.remove(this.context.output, { recursive: true }); } catch (_error) { // whatever } }
async copySources( sources: FileBag, destination: string = this.context.output, ) { const result: FileBag = new FileBag();
for (const source of sources.values()) { try { const copied = await this.copySource(source, destination); if (copied) { result.add(copied); } } catch (error) { throw error; } }
this.hasCopied = true;
return result; }
async copySource(source: IFile, destination: string = this.context.output) { if (!this.isIgnored(source)) { let copied: IFile; if (this.isHashable(source)) { copied = await source.copyToHashed(destination); } else { copied = await source.copyTo(destination); }
return copied; } }
async compileSources(sources: FileBag) { this.#valid();
const compiled = new FileBag();
for (const source of sources.values()) { const originalSource = source.clone(); const compiledSource = await this.compileSource(source);
/** * If we compiled an entrypoint, we update that entrypoint * to point to the new compiled relative path. */ if (this.isEntrypoint(originalSource)) { const path = originalSource.relativePath(); const config = this.entrypoints.get(originalSource.relativePath());
this.entrypoints.delete(path); this.entrypoints.set(source.relativePath(), config!); } compiled.add(compiledSource); }
return compiled; }
async compileSource(source: IFile): Promise<IFile> { const { compile } = await import("./compiler.ts");
if (!this.isCompilable(source)) { throw new Error( sprintf( "source is not compilable: %s", source.relativePath(), ), ); }
const content = await; const compiled = await compile(content, { filename: source.path(), development: false, minify: this.context?.compiler?.minify, sourceMaps: this.context?.compiler?.sourceMaps, jsxImportSource: this.context?.compiler?.jsxImportSource, });
const extension = source.extension(); const filename = source.filename().replace(extension, ".js");
await source.rename(filename); await source.write(compiled.code);
return source; }
toManifest( sources: FileBag, { ignore = [], prefix }: | { ignore?: string[]; prefix?: string } | undefined = {}, ) { const json = [];
const ignored = this.#buildPatterns(ignore);
for (const source of sources.values()) { const isIgnored = ignored.some((pattern) => pattern.test(source.relativePath()) ); if (!isIgnored) { json.push([ source.relativeAlias() ?? source.relativePath(), prefix ? resolve(prefix, source.relativePath()) : source.path(), ]); } }
return json; }
globToRegExp(pattern: string, options: GlobToRegExpOptions = { extended: true, globstar: true, caseInsensitive: false, }) { return globToRegExp(pattern, options); }
#buildPatterns(patterns?: string[]) { if (!patterns) { return []; }
return => this.globToRegExp(pattern)); }}