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A generic build system for Deno web apps
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import { globToRegExp } from "./deps.ts";import { GlobToRegExpOptions } from "./types.ts";
export type PatternLike = string | string[];
export class Patterns { #values: Set<string> = new Set(); #negate: Set<string> = new Set();
#patterns?: RegExp[]; #negated?: RegExp[];
#built = false;
constructor(values: PatternLike = []) { this.add(values); }
build() { if (!this.#built) { this.#patterns = this.#build(this.#values); this.#negated = this.#build(this.#negate); this.#built = true; } }
add(value: PatternLike) { value = typeof value === "string" ? [value] : value; for (let element of value) { if (element.startsWith("!")) { element = element.substring(1); this.#negate.add(element); } this.#values.add(element); }
return this; }
test(string: string): boolean { if (!this.#built) { throw new Error("Patterns must be built before testing."); }
const matches = this.#patterns!.some((pattern) => pattern.test(string)); const negated = this.#negated!.some((pattern) => pattern.test(string));
return matches && negated === false; }
#globToRegExp(pattern: string, options: GlobToRegExpOptions = { extended: true, globstar: true, caseInsensitive: false, }): RegExp { return globToRegExp(pattern, options); }
#build(patterns: Set<string>) { return Array.from(patterns).map((value) => this.#globToRegExp(value)); }}