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A collection of modules that can be used to build Minecraft servers, clients, utilities and other tools.
import * as minecraftLib from "";


Decrypts data using the private key and the PKCS1 padding algorithm.

Encrypts data using the public key and the PKCS1 padding algorithm.

Exports a RSA private key to the PKCS8 binary format.

Exports a RSA public key to the SPKI binary format.

Generates a new RSA key pair.

Imports a RSA private key from a web crypto key or the PKCS8 binary representation.

Imports a RSA public key from a web crypto key or the SPKI binary representation.

Creates a signature using the private key, SHA-256 hashing algorithm and the PKCS1 padding scheme.

Verifies a signature using the public key, SHA-256 hashing algorithm and the PKCS1 padding scheme.