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🦕 deno utility module for simple table printing
interface TableOptions { /** Padding: desired distance between column widths */ padding?: number /** Upcase header: make the header upper case */ upcaseHeader?: boolean /** Empty replacer: replace empty values (null, undefined, "") with a custom string */ emptyReplacer?: string}
type Datum = Record<string, any>
/** * Build a flexible table from a list of objects * @param data Data to print * @param header Desired header of the table * @param options Modify the padding, upcase the header, set empty-values replacer */export function table(data: Datum[], header: string[], opts?: TableOptions): string { const pad = opts?.padding || 2 const upcase = opts?.upcaseHeader || false const empty = opts?.emptyReplacer || ''
if (!data.length || !header.length) { return header.join(' '.repeat(pad)) }
const validHeader = intersect(Object.keys(data[0]), header)
if (!validHeader.length) { throw new Error('Given header does not match any datum property!') }
const cols = takeCols(data, validHeader, upcase, empty) const rows = makeRows(cols, pad)
return => x.trimEnd()).join('\n')}
/* HELPERS*/function intersect(props: string[], header: string[]) { // keep original order of `header` const propsSet = new Set(props) const intersection = new Set(header.filter(prop => propsSet.has(prop)))
return Array.from(intersection)}
function takeCols(data: Datum[], header: string[], upcase: boolean, empty: string) { const cols: string[][] = []
header.forEach((key, idx) => { const keyMod = upcase ? key.toUpperCase() : key cols.push([keyMod])
for (const datum of data) { if (datum.hasOwnProperty(key)) { cols[idx].push(datum[key]?.toString() || empty) } else { throw new Error(`No property '${key}' in one of the given data!`) } } })
return cols}
function makeRows(cols: string[][], pad: number) { const maxWidths = => Math.max( => x.length))) const rowsCount = cols[0].length const rows: string[] = []
for (let row = 0; row < rowsCount; row++) { rows.push( cols .map(col => col[row]) .reduce( (memo, value, colIdx) => (memo += value.padEnd(maxWidths[colIdx] + pad)), '' ) ) }
return rows}