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A middleware framework for Deno's http/s server.
/*! * cookie-session * Copyright(c) 2020 João Moura * MIT Licensed */
import { setCookie, getCookies } from ""import { v4 } from "";import { Middleware, IResponse, IRequest, NextFunction } from "./mod.ts"import debug from ''let logger = debug('cookie_session')
type session = { [key: string]: any}
export interface options { name?: string, keys?: string[], secret?: string, maxAge?: number, expires?: Date, path?: string, domain?: string, sameSite?: "Strict" | "Lax" | "None" | undefined, secure?: boolean, httpOnly?: boolean, signed?: boolean, overwrite?: boolean}
let configurationOptions: options/** * Module exports. * @public *//** * Create a new cookie session middleware. * * @param {object} [options] * @param {boolean} [options.httpOnly=true] * @param {array} [options.keys] * @param {string} [] Name of the cookie to use * @param {boolean} [options.overwrite=true] * @param {string} [options.secret] * @param {boolean} [options.signed=true] * @return {function} middleware * @public */
export function cookieSession (options: options): Middleware { // cookie name configurationOptions = options = || 'mith'
// secrets if (!configurationOptions.keys && !configurationOptions.secret) { throw "You should specify keys or secret properties for the cookie session configuration" } configurationOptions.keys = configurationOptions.keys || [configurationOptions.secret || ''] logger('session options %j', configurationOptions)
return (req: IRequest, res: IResponse, next: NextFunction) => { logger('running') let authString = getCookies(req.serverRequest)[( as string)] let authData: session = {} logger('authString %s', authString) if (authString) { authData = JSON.parse(authString) } if (! { = v4.generate() } const handler = { get: (target: session, property: string): session | string | number => { if (typeof target[property] === 'object' && target[property] !== null) { return new Proxy(target[property], handler) } else { return target[property]; } }, set: (target: session, property: string, newValue: session | string | number) => { target[property] = newValue setCookie(res, { name: ( as string), value: JSON.stringify(req.session), ...configurationOptions }) return true } }
req.session = new Proxy(authData, handler) next() }}
export function cookieSessionSave (): Middleware { return async (req, res, next) => { logger('Saving session %O', ) logger(JSON.stringify(req.session)) setCookie(res, { name: ( as string), value: JSON.stringify(req.session), ...configurationOptions }) next() }}