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Routing system for Mith framework
import { Middleware, IResponse, IRequest, NextFunction, Mith } from ''import { match, MatchFunction } from ''
interface RouterMiddleware< Req extends IRequest = any, Res extends IResponse = any, Next extends NextFunction = any> extends Middleware { isRouter: boolean}
type methodTypes = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE' | 'PATCH' | 'OPTIONS'const allMethods: Array<methodTypes> = [ 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH', 'OPTIONS']const state: { [key: number]: string} = {}
/** Router state handlers * they are used to keep track of the current state of the matcher during deep routing * this is cleaned when the request ends */
/** Sets the router state * @param id connection id from Deno request object * @param path string containing the currently matched path * @return void */const setStatePath = (id: number, path: string) => { return state[id] = path}
/** Get a router state * @param id connection id from Deno request object * @return current state for the id */const getStatePath = (id: number) => { return state[id]}
/** Delete a router state * @param id connection id from Deno request object * @return void */const deleteStatePath = (id: number) => { delete state[id]}
/** A class which registers middleware (via `.use()`) and then processes * inbound requests against that middleware (via `.getRoutes()`). */export class Router { private paths: { [key in methodTypes]: { [key: string]: { middleware: Mith, isRouter: boolean, matcher: MatchFunction, route: string } } } = { GET: {}, POST: {}, PUT: {}, DELETE: {}, PATCH: {}, OPTIONS: {} }
private savedPaths: { [key in methodTypes]: string[] } = { GET: [], POST: [], PUT: [], DELETE: [], PATCH: [], OPTIONS: [] }
/** Register middleware to be used with the router. * @param methods http method * @param path path that will be matched with the requested url * @param middleware * @return void */ use(method: methodTypes, path: string, middleware: Middleware | RouterMiddleware | Array<Middleware | RouterMiddleware>) { const subApp = new Mith() subApp.use(middleware) let isRouter = false if (Array.isArray(middleware)) { isRouter = middleware.filter( (item) => { return (item as RouterMiddleware).isRouter } ).length > 0 } else { isRouter = (middleware as RouterMiddleware).isRouter } this.paths[method][path] = { middleware: subApp, isRouter, matcher: match(path, { end: !isRouter }), route: path, } this.savedPaths[method] = Object.keys(this.paths[method]) return this }
/** Register router middleware to be used with the router. * @param path path that will be matched with the requested url * @param middleware * @return void */ useRouter(path: string, middleware: RouterMiddleware | Array<RouterMiddleware>) { const subApp = new Mith() subApp.use(middleware) allMethods.forEach( (method) => { this.paths[method][path] = { middleware: subApp, isRouter: true, matcher: match(path, { end: false }), route: path, } this.savedPaths[method] = Object.keys(this.paths[method]) } ) return this}
/** Returns a middleware that will trigger the routing system * @return middleware */ getRoutes() { const router = (req: any, res: any, next: NextFunction) => { const connectionId = req.serverRequest.conn.rid const statePath = getStatePath(connectionId) const { method, url } = req.serverRequest for (const savedPath of this.savedPaths[method as methodTypes]) { const route = this.paths[method as methodTypes][savedPath] const matched = route.matcher(url.split('?')[0].replace(statePath, '') || '/') if (matched) { req.params = { ...req.params, ...matched.params } if (route.isRouter) { if (matched.path !== '/') { setStatePath(connectionId, (statePath || '') + matched.path) } } else { req.requestHandled = true deleteStatePath(connectionId) } route.middleware.dispatch(req, res, 'main', 0, next) return } } deleteStatePath(connectionId) next() }
router.isRouter = true return router }}