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Utilities to help mock behavior, spy on function calls, stub methods, and fake time for tests.
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/** This module is browser compatible. */
import { assertEquals, AssertionError, assertIsError, assertRejects, assertStrictEquals,} from "./deps.ts";import { Spy, SpyCall, Stub, stub } from "./stub.ts";
export interface PassthroughTarget<T, U> { instance: U; method?: string | number | symbol; self?: ThisType<T> | ThisType<U>; args?: unknown[]; returned?: unknown;}
export interface PassthroughOptionsInstance<T, U> { instance: T; method: string | number | symbol; target: PassthroughTarget<T, U>; args?: unknown[]; returned?: unknown;}
export interface PassthroughOptionsFunc<T, U> { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any func: (...args: any[]) => unknown; target: PassthroughTarget<T, U>; args?: unknown[]; returned?: unknown;}
export type PassthroughOptions<T, U> = | PassthroughOptionsInstance<T, U> | PassthroughOptionsFunc<T, U>;
/** Asserts that a function calls through to another function. */export function assertPassthrough<T, U>( options: PassthroughOptions<T, U>,): void { const targetArgs: unknown[] = ?? options.args ?? [Symbol("arg1"), Symbol("arg2")]; const targetReturned: unknown = ?? options.returned ?? Symbol("returned"); const passthroughArgs: unknown[] = options.args ?? targetArgs; const passthroughReturned: unknown = options.returned ?? targetReturned;
let target: Stub<U>; if ("method" in || "method" in options) { target = stub(, ?? (options as PassthroughOptionsInstance<T, U>).method, () => targetReturned, ); } else { throw new Error("target instance or passthrough must have method"); }
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any let func: ((...args: any[]) => unknown); if ("instance" in options) { const instance: T = options.instance; const method: keyof T = options.method as keyof T; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any func = instance[method] as unknown as ((...args: any[]) => unknown); } else { func = options.func; } if (typeof func !== "function") { throw new AssertionError("passthrough not a function"); } try { assertEquals( func.apply( (options as PassthroughOptionsInstance<T, U>).instance ?? null, passthroughArgs, ), passthroughReturned, ); } catch (e) { throw new AssertionError( "passthrough did not return expected value:\n" + e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"), ); } finally { if ((options as PassthroughOptionsInstance<T, U>).instance) { target.restore(); } }
if ("self" in { try { assertStrictEquals( target.calls[0].self,, ); } catch (e) { throw new AssertionError( "target not called on expected self:\n" + e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"), ); } }
try { assertEquals( target.calls[0].args, targetArgs, ); } catch (e) { throw new AssertionError( "target not called with expected args:\n" + e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"), ); }}
/** * Asserts that a spy is called as much as expected and no more. */export function assertSpyCalls<T>( spy: Spy<T> | Stub<T>, expectedCalls: number,) { try { assertEquals(spy.calls.length, expectedCalls); } catch (e) { let message = spy.calls.length < expectedCalls ? "spy not called as much as expected:\n" : "spy called more than expected:\n"; message += e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"); throw new AssertionError(message); }}
/** * Asserts that a spy is called at least as much as expected. */export function assertSpyCallsMin<T>( spy: Spy<T> | Stub<T>, expectedCalls: number,) { if (spy.calls.length < expectedCalls) { throw new AssertionError("spy not called as much as expected"); }}
/** Call information recorded by a spy. */export interface ExpectedSpyCall { /** Arguments passed to a function when called. */ args?: unknown[]; /** The instance that a method was called on. */ self?: unknown; /** * The value that was returned by a function. * If you expect a promise to reject, expect error instead. */ returned?: unknown; error?: { /** The class for the error that was thrown by a function. */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any Class?: new (...args: any[]) => Error; /** Part of the message for the error that was thrown by a function. */ msg?: string; };}
/** * Asserts that a spy is called as expected. * Returns the call. */export function assertSpyCall<T>( spy: Spy<T> | Stub<T>, callIndex: number, expected?: ExpectedSpyCall,) { assertSpyCallsMin(spy, callIndex + 1); const call: SpyCall = spy.calls[callIndex]; if (expected) { if (expected.args) { try { assertEquals(call.args, expected.args); } catch (e) { throw new AssertionError( "spy not called with expected args:\n" + e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"), ); } }
if ("self" in expected) { try { assertEquals(call.self, expected.self); } catch (e) { let message = expected.self ? "spy not called as method on expected self:\n" : "spy not expected to be called as method on object:\n"; message += e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"); throw new AssertionError(message); } }
if ("returned" in expected) { if ("error" in expected) { throw new TypeError( "do not expect error and return, only one should be expected", ); } if (call.error) { throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not return expected value, an error was thrown.", ); } try { assertEquals(call.returned, expected.returned); } catch (e) { throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not return expected value:\n" + e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"), ); } }
if ("error" in expected) { if ("returned" in call) { throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not throw an error, a value was returned.", ); } assertIsError( call.error, expected.error?.Class, expected.error?.msg, ); } } return call;}
/** * Asserts that an async spy is called as expected. * Returns the call. */export async function assertSpyCallAsync<T>( spy: Spy<T> | Stub<T>, callIndex: number, expected?: ExpectedSpyCall,) { const expectedSync = expected && { ...expected }; if (expectedSync) { delete expectedSync.returned; delete expectedSync.error; } const call: SpyCall = assertSpyCall( spy, callIndex, expectedSync, );
if (call.error) { throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not return a promise, an error was thrown.", ); } if (call.returned !== Promise.resolve(call.returned)) { throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not return a promise, a value was returned.", ); }
if (expected) { if ("returned" in expected) { if ("error" in expected) { throw new TypeError( "do not expect error and return, only one should be expected", ); } if (call.error) { throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not return expected value, an error was thrown.", ); } let expectedResolved; try { expectedResolved = await expected.returned; } catch { throw new TypeError( "do not expect rejected promise, expect error instead", ); }
let resolved; try { resolved = await call.returned; } catch { throw new AssertionError("spy call returned promise was rejected"); }
try { assertEquals(resolved, expectedResolved); } catch (e) { throw new AssertionError( "spy call did not resolve to expected value:\n" + e.message.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n"), ); } }
if ("error" in expected) { await assertRejects( () => call.returned, expected.error?.Class ?? Error, expected.error?.msg ?? "", ); } } return call;}
/** * Asserts that a spy is called with a specific arg as expected. * Returns the actual arg. */export function assertSpyCallArg<T>( spy: Spy<T> | Stub<T>, callIndex: number, argIndex: number, expected: unknown,): unknown { const call: SpyCall = assertSpyCall(spy, callIndex); const arg = call.args[argIndex]; assertEquals(arg, expected); return arg;}
/** * Asserts that an spy is called with a specific range of args as expected. * If a start and end index is not provided, the expected will be compared against all args. * If a start is provided without an end index, the expected will be compared against all args from the start index to the end. * The end index is not included in the range of args that are compared. * Returns the actual args. */function assertSpyCallArgs<T>( spy: Spy<T> | Stub<T>, callIndex: number, expected: unknown[],): unknown[];function assertSpyCallArgs<T>( spy: Spy<T> | Stub<T>, callIndex: number, argsStart: number, expected: unknown[],): unknown[];function assertSpyCallArgs<T>( spy: Spy<T> | Stub<T>, callIndex: number, argStart: number, argEnd: number, expected: unknown[],): unknown[];function assertSpyCallArgs<T>( spy: Spy<T> | Stub<T>, callIndex: number, argsStart?: number | unknown[], argsEnd?: number | unknown[], expected?: unknown[],): unknown[] { const call: SpyCall = assertSpyCall(spy, callIndex); if (!expected) { expected = argsEnd as unknown[]; argsEnd = undefined; } if (!expected) { expected = argsStart as unknown[]; argsStart = undefined; } const args = typeof argsEnd === "number" ? call.args.slice(argsStart as number, argsEnd) : typeof argsStart === "number" ? call.args.slice(argsStart) : call.args; assertEquals(args, expected); return args;}
export { assertSpyCallArgs };