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Utilities to help mock behavior, spy on function calls, stub methods, and fake time for tests.
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/** This module is browser compatible. */
import { AnySpyInternal, Spy, spy, SpyCall, SpyError } from "./spy.ts";
/** An instance method wrapper that overrides the original method and records all calls made to it. */export interface Stub<T> extends Spy<T> { /** The original value that was replaced with the stub. */ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any original: any;}export type AnyStub<T> = Stub<T> | Stub<void>;
/** Wraps an instance property with a Stub. */function stub<T>(instance: T, property: string | number | symbol): Stub<T>;function stub<T>( instance: T, property: string | number | symbol, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any func: (...args: any[]) => unknown,): Stub<T>;function stub<T>( instance: T, property: string | number | symbol, value: unknown,): Stub<T>;function stub<T>( instance: T, property: string | number | symbol, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any valueOrFunc?: ((...args: any[]) => unknown) | unknown,): AnyStub<T> { const stub: AnyStub<T> = spy(instance, property) as AnyStub<T>; const stubInternal: AnySpyInternal<T> = stub; const { propertyDescriptor } = stubInternal; if (propertyDescriptor) { Object.defineProperty(stub, "original", propertyDescriptor); } let value: unknown; if (typeof valueOrFunc === "function") { stubInternal.func = function () { return valueOrFunc.apply(this, Array.from(arguments)); }; value = stub; } else if (arguments.length < 3) { stubInternal.func = function () {}; value = stub; } else { value = valueOrFunc; }
stubInternal.get = spy(() => value); stubInternal.set = spy((v: unknown) => { value = v; });
return stub;}
export type { Spy, SpyCall };export { spy, SpyError, stub };