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Simple and lightweight Mojang API wrapper.
import { status, uuid, history, names, textures, blocked, statistics } from '' // import the mojang module
console.log(await status()) // returns status of various Mojang servicesconsole.log(await uuid('Notch')) // returns the UUID of the name at the timestamp provided, default is history('Notch')) // returns all the usernames this user has used in the past and the one they are using currentlyconsole.log(await names(['Notch'])) // must be an array, will return player UUIDs and some extrasconsole.log(await textures('Notch')) // will return the player's username plus any additional information about them (e.g. skins)console.log(await blocked()) // returns a list of SHA1 hashes used to check server addresses against when the client tries to connect
console.log(await statistics(['item_sold_minecraft'])) /* must be an array, gets statistics on the sales of Minecraft
available options are: