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Update dependencies the Deno way
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import * as molt from "";

A module to update dependencies in Deno projects using deno_graph.


To update all dependencies in a module and write the changes to files:

import { collect, writeAll } from "{VERSION}/mod.ts";

const updates = await collect("./mod.ts");
await writeAll(updates);

To update all dependencies in a module and commit the changes to local git repository:

import { collect, commitAll } from "{VERSION}/mod.ts";

const updates = await collect("./mod.ts");

await commitAll(updates, {
  groupBy: (dependency) =>,
  composeCommitMessage: ({ group, version }) =>
    `build(deps): bump ${group} to ${version!.to}`,


Collect updates to files from the given updates to dependencies. The collected updates are lexically sorted by the url of the file.

Collect dependencies from the given module(s).

Check if the given version string represents a pre-release.

Parse properties of a dependency from the given URL.

Resolve the latest version of the given dependency.

Convert the given dependency to a URL string.

Write the given (array of) FileUpdate to file system.

Write the given array of DependencyUpdate to files.


Properties of a dependency parsed from an import specifier.

Representation of an update to a dependency.

A collection of updates to dependencies associated with a file.

Properties of a dependency parsed from an updated import specifier. The version property is guaranteed to be present.