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Momentum is an open-source framework for building server-side Deno applications in TypeScript. It provides the paradigms and design patterns to guide developers to create robust, scalable, and enterprise-grade applications.
import { DiContainer, TypeIdentifier } from "./di-container.ts";import { Scope } from "./scope.ts";
/** * Hierarchical cache used to hold resolved dependencies based on scope lifetime */export class DiCache { readonly #parent?: DiCache; readonly #cache = new Map< Scope | string, Map<DiContainer, Map<TypeIdentifier, unknown>> >();
constructor(parent?: DiCache) { this.#parent = parent; }
createChild() { return new DiCache(this); }
beginScope(scope: Scope | string) { if (!this.#cache.has(scope)) { this.#cache.set(scope, new Map()); } return this; }
endScope(scope: Scope | string) { if (this.#cache.has(scope)) { this.#cache.delete(scope); } }
clear() { this.#cache.clear(); }
set( scope: Scope | string, diContainer: DiContainer, typeIdentifier: TypeIdentifier, value: unknown, ) { const scopeCache = this.#cache.get(scope); if (scopeCache) { let diContextCache = scopeCache.get(diContainer); if (!diContextCache) { diContextCache = new Map(); scopeCache.set(diContainer, diContextCache); } diContextCache.set(typeIdentifier, value); } else { this.#parent?.set(scope, diContainer, typeIdentifier, value); } }
get<T = unknown>( diContainer: DiContainer, typeIdentifier: TypeIdentifier, ): T | undefined { for (const [_, scopeCache] of this.#cache.entries()) { const diContextCache = scopeCache.get(diContainer); if (!diContextCache) { continue; } if (diContextCache.has(typeIdentifier)) { return diContextCache.get(typeIdentifier) as T; } } this.#parent?.get(diContainer, typeIdentifier) as T; }
get items(): unknown[] { return [ ...Array.from(this.#cache.values()).flatMap((diContextCache) => Array.from(diContextCache.values()).flatMap((typeCache) => Array.from(typeCache.values()) ) ), ...(this.#parent?.items ?? []), ]; }}