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Momentum is an open-source framework for building server-side Deno applications in TypeScript. It provides the paradigms and design patterns to guide developers to create robust, scalable, and enterprise-grade applications.
import { ActionMetadata, Application, ControllerClass, ControllerMetadata, DiContainer, FormDataBody, helpers as oakHelpers, ListenOptions, Router, RouterContext, ServerPlatform,} from "./deps.ts";
/** * Creates a new Oak platform * * @returns {OakPlatform} * * @remarks * ## Example * * ```typescript * await platformOak() * .bootstrapModule(AppModule) * .then((platform) => platform.listen({ port: 3000 })); * ``` */export function platformOak(): OakPlatform;/** * Creates a new oak platform with customizable application and router * * @param app The Oak Application. Provide this parameter to register Oak middleware * @param router The Oak Router. Provide this parameter to customize routing * * @returns {OakPlatform} * * @remarks * ## Example * ```typescript * const application = new Application(); * const router = new Router(); * * // Install middleware of set up custom routes * * await platformOak(application, router) * .bootstrapModule(AppModule) * .then((platform) => platform.listen({ port: 3000 })); * ``` */export function platformOak(app: Application, router: Router): OakPlatform;export function platformOak( app: Application = new Application(), router: Router = new Router(),) { return new OakPlatform( DiContainer.root().createChild("platform"), app, router, );}
export class OakPlatform extends ServerPlatform { #app: Application; #router: Router; constructor( container: DiContainer, application: Application, router: Router, ) { super(container); this.#app = application; this.#router = router; }
async postBootstrap() { this.#app.addEventListener("listen", ({ hostname, port, secure }) => { this.logger.log([ `PlatformOak listening on `, secure ? "https://" : "http://", hostname ?? "localhost", `:${port}`, ].join("")); }); await super.postBootstrap(); this.#app.use(this.#router.routes()); }
addRouteHandler( _controller: ControllerClass, _action: string, route: string, _controllerMetadata: ControllerMetadata, actionMetadata: ActionMetadata, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any handler: (context: RouterContext) => any, ) { const routeHandler = async (context: RouterContext) => { const result = await handler(context); if (result) { context.response.body = result; } }; switch (actionMetadata.method) { case "get": this.#router.get(route, routeHandler); break; case "post":, routeHandler); break; case "put": this.#router.put(route, routeHandler); break; case "delete": this.#router.delete(route, routeHandler); break; case "head": this.#router.head(route, routeHandler); break; case "patch": this.#router.patch(route, routeHandler); break; } }
addMiddlewareHandler(handler: (context: unknown) => Promise<boolean>) { this.#app.use(async (context, next) => { if (await handler(context)) { await next(); } }); }
async getContextItem( kind: | "url" | "parameter" | "query" | "body" | "cookie" | "header" | "state" | "requestState" | "request" | "response", context: RouterContext, identifier: string, ) { switch (kind) { case "url": return context.request.url; case "parameter": return context.params[identifier]; case "query": return oakHelpers.getQuery(context, { mergeParams: true })[identifier]; case "body": if (context.request.hasBody) { const body = context.request.body(); switch (body.type) { case "form": return this.parseFormBody(await body.value, identifier); case "form-data": return this.parseFormDataBody( await, identifier, ); case "json": return this.parseJsonBody(await body.value, identifier); default: return await body.value; } } return; case "cookie": return context.cookies.get(identifier); case "header": return context.request.headers.get(identifier); case "state": return context.state[identifier]; case "requestState": { const request = context.request as unknown as { __state: Record<string, unknown>; }; let state = request.__state; if (!state) { return; } return state[identifier]; } case "request": return context.request; case "response": return context.response; default: throw new Error(`Unsupported context data ${kind}`); } }
setContextItem( kind: "body" | "status" | "cookie" | "header" | "state" | "requestState", context: RouterContext, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any value: any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any identifier?: any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any options?: any, ) { switch (kind) { case "body": context.response.body = value; break; case "status": context.response.status = value; break; case "cookie": context.cookies.set(identifier, value, options); break; case "header": context.response.headers.set(identifier, value); break; case "state": context.state[identifier] = value; break; case "requestState": { const request = context.request as unknown as { __state: Record<string, unknown>; }; let state = request.__state; if (!state) { state = {}; request.__state = state; } state[identifier] = value; } } }
async sendFile(context: RouterContext, path: string) { context.response.body = await Deno.readFile(path); }
/** * Start listening for requests */ async listen(options: ListenOptions) { await this.#app.listen(options); }
private parseFormBody(form: URLSearchParams, identifier: string) { if (identifier) { return form.get(identifier); } return Array.from(form.entries()).reduce( (prev, [currKey, currValue]) => ({ ...prev, [currKey]: prev[currKey] ? Array.isArray(prev[currKey]) ? [...(prev[currKey] as []), currValue] : [prev[currKey], currValue] : currValue, }), {} as Record<string, unknown>, ); }
private parseFormDataBody(formData: FormDataBody, identifier: string) { if (identifier) { return formData.fields[identifier]; } return formData.fields; }
private parseJsonBody(json: Record<string, unknown>, identifier: string) { if (identifier) { return json[identifier]; } return json; }}