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MongoDB driver for Deno
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import { ConnectOptions, Credential, Document } from "../types.ts";import { Binary } from "../../bson/mod.ts";import { saslprep } from "../utils/saslprep/mod.ts";import { AuthContext, AuthPlugin } from "./base.ts";import { HandshakeDocument } from "../protocol/handshake.ts";import { MongoError } from "../error.ts";import { b64, createHash, HmacSha1, HmacSha256, pbkdf2Sync,} from "../../deps.ts";import { driverMetadata } from "../protocol/mod.ts";
type CryptoMethod = "sha1" | "sha256";
const enc = new TextEncoder();const dec = new TextDecoder();
export class ScramAuthPlugin extends AuthPlugin { cryptoMethod: CryptoMethod; constructor(cryptoMethod: CryptoMethod) { super(); this.cryptoMethod = cryptoMethod || "sha256"; }
prepare(authContext: AuthContext): Document { const handshakeDoc = <HandshakeDocument> { ismaster: true, client: driverMetadata, compression: authContext.options.compression, }; const request = { ...handshakeDoc, ...{ speculativeAuthenticate: { ...makeFirstMessage( this.cryptoMethod, authContext.options.credential!, authContext.nonce!, ), ...{ db: authContext.options.credential!.db }, }, }, }; return request; }
async auth(authContext: AuthContext): Promise<Document> { const response = authContext.response; if (response && response.speculativeAuthenticate) { return await continueScramConversation( this.cryptoMethod, response.speculativeAuthenticate, authContext, ); } return await executeScram(this.cryptoMethod, authContext); }}export function cleanUsername(username: string) { return username.replace("=", "=3D").replace(",", "=2C");}
export function clientFirstMessageBare(username: string, nonce: Uint8Array) { // NOTE: This is done b/c Javascript uses UTF-16, but the server is hashing in UTF-8. // Since the username is not sasl-prep-d, we need to do this here. return Uint8Array.from( [ ...enc.encode("n="), ...enc.encode(username), ...enc.encode(",r="), ...enc.encode(b64.encode(nonce)), ], );}
export function makeFirstMessage( cryptoMethod: CryptoMethod, credentials: Credential, nonce: Uint8Array,) { const username = cleanUsername(credentials.username!); const mechanism = cryptoMethod === "sha1" ? "SCRAM-SHA-1" : "SCRAM-SHA-256";
// NOTE: This is done b/c Javascript uses UTF-16, but the server is hashing in UTF-8. // Since the username is not sasl-prep-d, we need to do this here. return { saslStart: 1, mechanism, payload: new Binary( Uint8Array.from( [...enc.encode("n,,"), ...clientFirstMessageBare(username, nonce)], ), ), autoAuthorize: 1, options: { skipEmptyExchange: true }, };}
export async function executeScram( cryptoMethod: CryptoMethod, authContext: AuthContext,) { const { protocol, credentials } = authContext; if (!credentials) { throw new MongoError("AuthContext must provide credentials."); } if (!authContext.nonce) { throw new MongoError("AuthContext must contain a valid nonce property"); } const nonce = authContext.nonce; const db = credentials.db!;
const saslStartCmd = makeFirstMessage(cryptoMethod, credentials, nonce); const result = await protocol.commandSingle(db, saslStartCmd); return await continueScramConversation(cryptoMethod, result, authContext);}
export async function continueScramConversation( cryptoMethod: CryptoMethod, response: Document, authContext: AuthContext,) { const protocol = authContext.protocol; const credentials = authContext.credentials; if (!credentials) { throw new MongoError("AuthContext must provide credentials."); } if (!authContext.nonce) { throw new MongoError("Unable to continue SCRAM without valid nonce"); } const nonce = authContext.nonce;
const db = credentials.db!; const username = cleanUsername(credentials.username!); const password = credentials.password!;
let processedPassword; if (cryptoMethod === "sha256") { processedPassword = saslprep(password); } else { processedPassword = passwordDigest(username, password); }
const payload = fixPayload(dec.decode(response.payload.buffer)); const dict = parsePayload(payload);
const iterations = parseInt(dict.i, 10); if (iterations && iterations < 4096) { throw new MongoError( `Server returned an invalid iteration count ${iterations}`, ); }
const salt = dict.s; const rnonce = dict.r; if (rnonce.startsWith("nonce")) { throw new MongoError(`Server returned an invalid nonce: ${rnonce}`); }
// Set up start of proof const withoutProof = `c=biws,r=${rnonce}`; const saltedPassword = HI( processedPassword, b64.decode(salt), iterations, cryptoMethod, );
const clientKey = HMAC(cryptoMethod, saltedPassword, "Client Key");
const serverKey = HMAC(cryptoMethod, saltedPassword, "Server Key"); const storedKey = H(cryptoMethod, clientKey); const authMessage = [ dec.decode(clientFirstMessageBare(username, nonce)), payload, withoutProof, ].join(",");
const clientSignature = HMAC(cryptoMethod, storedKey, authMessage); const clientProof = `p=${xor(clientKey, clientSignature)}`; const clientFinal = [withoutProof, clientProof].join(",");
const serverSignature = HMAC(cryptoMethod, serverKey, authMessage);
const saslContinueCmd = { saslContinue: 1, conversationId: response.conversationId, payload: new Binary(enc.encode(clientFinal)), };
const result = await protocol.commandSingle(db, saslContinueCmd);
const parsedResponse = parsePayload( fixPayload2(dec.decode(result.payload.buffer)), ); if (!compareDigest(b64.decode(parsedResponse.v), serverSignature)) { // throw new MongoError("Server returned an invalid signature"); } if (result.done) { return result; } const retrySaslContinueCmd = { saslContinue: 1, conversationId: result.conversationId, payload: new Uint8Array(0), };
return await protocol.commandSingle(db, retrySaslContinueCmd);}
//this is a hack to fix codification in payload (in being and end of payload exists a codification problem, needs investigation ...)export function fixPayload(payload: string) { const temp = payload.split("="); temp.shift(); const it = parseInt(temp.pop()!, 10); payload = "r=" + temp.join("=") + "=" + it; return payload;}//this is a second hack to fix codification in payload (in being and end of payload exists a codification problem, needs investigation ...)export function fixPayload2(payload: string) { var temp = payload.split("v="); temp.shift(); payload = temp.join("v="); temp = payload.split("ok"); temp.pop(); return "v=" + temp.join("ok");}
export function parsePayload(payload: string) { const dict: Document = {}; const parts = payload.split(","); for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { const valueParts = parts[i].split("="); dict[valueParts[0]] = valueParts[1]; }
return dict;}
export function passwordDigest(username: string, password: string) { if (typeof username !== "string") { throw new MongoError("username must be a string"); }
if (typeof password !== "string") { throw new MongoError("password must be a string"); }
if (password.length === 0) { throw new MongoError("password cannot be empty"); }
const md5 = createHash("md5"); md5.update(`${username}:mongo:${password}`); return md5.toString(); //hex}
// XOR two buffersexport function xor(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array) { const length = Math.max(a.length, b.length); const res = new Uint8Array(length);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { res[i] = a[i] ^ b[i]; }
return b64.encode(res);}
export function H(method: CryptoMethod, text: Uint8Array) { return new Uint8Array(createHash(method).update(text).digest());}
export function HMAC( method: CryptoMethod, key: Uint8Array, text: Uint8Array | string,) { if (method === "sha256") { return new Uint8Array(new HmacSha256(key).update(text).digest()); } else { return new Uint8Array(new HmacSha1(key).update(text).digest()); }}
interface HICache { [key: string]: Uint8Array;}
let _hiCache: HICache = {};let _hiCacheCount = 0;function _hiCachePurge() { _hiCache = {}; _hiCacheCount = 0;}
const hiLengthMap = { sha256: 32, sha1: 20,};
export function HI( data: string, salt: Uint8Array, iterations: number, cryptoMethod: CryptoMethod,) { // omit the work if already generated const key = [data, b64.encode(salt), iterations].join( "_", ); if (_hiCache[key] !== undefined) { return _hiCache[key]; }
// generate the salt const saltedData = pbkdf2Sync( data, salt, iterations, hiLengthMap[cryptoMethod], cryptoMethod, );
// cache a copy to speed up the next lookup, but prevent unbounded cache growth if (_hiCacheCount >= 200) { _hiCachePurge(); }
_hiCache[key] = saltedData; _hiCacheCount += 1; return new Uint8Array(saltedData);}
export function compareDigest(lhs: Uint8Array, rhs: Uint8Array) { if (lhs.length !== rhs.length) { return false; }
let result = 0; for (let i = 0; i < lhs.length; i++) { result |= lhs[i] ^ rhs[i]; }
return result === 0;}