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MongoDB driver for Deno
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import { WireProtocol } from "./protocol.ts";import { parseNamespace } from "../utils/ns.ts";import { Document, Long } from "../../deps.ts";
export interface CommandCursorOptions<T> { id: bigint | number | string; ns: string; firstBatch: T[]; maxTimeMS?: number; comment?: Document;}
export class CommandCursor<T> { #id?: bigint; #protocol: WireProtocol; #batches: T[] = []; #db?: string; #collection?: string;
#executor: () => Promise<CommandCursorOptions<T>>; #executed = false;
constructor( protocol: WireProtocol, executor: () => Promise<CommandCursorOptions<T>>, ) { this.#protocol = protocol; this.#executor = executor; }
private async execute() { this.#executed = true; const options = await this.#executor(); this.#batches = options.firstBatch; this.#id = BigInt(; const { db, collection } = parseNamespace(options.ns); this.#db = db; this.#collection = collection; }
async next(): Promise<T | undefined> { if (this.#batches.length > 0) { return this.#batches.shift(); }
if (!this.#executed) { await this.execute(); return this.#batches.shift(); }
if (this.#id === 0n) { return undefined; }
const { cursor } = await this.#protocol.commandSingle(this.#db!, { getMore: Long.fromBigInt(this.#id!), collection: this.#collection, }); this.#batches = cursor.nextBatch || []; this.#id = BigInt(; return this.#batches.shift(); }
async *[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncGenerator<T> { while (this.#batches.length > 0 || this.#id !== 0n) { const value = await; if (value !== undefined) { yield value; } } }
async forEach(callback: (item: T, index: number) => void) { let index = 0; for await (const item of this) { if (item) { callback(item, index++); } } }
async map<M>(callback: (item: T, index: number) => M): Promise<M[]> { let index = 0; const result = []; for await (const item of this) { if (item) { const newItem = callback(item, index++); result.push(newItem); } } return result; }
toArray(): Promise<T[]> { return => item); }}