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MongoDB driver for Deno
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import { MessageHeader, OpCode, setHeader } from "./header.ts";import { deserialize, Document, serialize } from "../../deps.ts";
type MessageFlags = number;
const encoder = new TextEncoder();const decoder = new TextDecoder();
interface Section0 { document: Document;}
interface Section1 { identifier: string; documents: Document[];}
export type Section = Section0 | Section1;
export interface Message { responseTo: number; flags?: MessageFlags; sections: Section[]; checksum?: number; requestId: number;}
function serializeSections( sections: Section[],): { length: number; sections: Uint8Array[] } { let totalLen = 0; const buffers = => { if ("document" in section) { const document = serialize(section.document); const section0 = new Uint8Array(1 + document.byteLength); new DataView(section0.buffer).setUint8(0, 0); section0.set(document, 1); totalLen += section0.byteLength; return section0; } else { const identifier = encoder.encode(section.identifier + "\0"); let documentsLength = 0; const docs = => { const document = serialize(doc); documentsLength += document.byteLength; return document; }); const section1 = new Uint8Array( 1 + 4 + identifier.byteLength + documentsLength, ); const view = new DataView(section1.buffer);
view.setUint8(0, 1); view.setUint32(1, section1.byteLength - 1, true); let pos = 4;
for (const doc of docs) { section1.set(doc, pos); pos += doc.byteLength; }
totalLen += section1.byteLength; return section1; } });
return { length: totalLen, sections: buffers };}
export function serializeMessage( message: Message,): Uint8Array { const { length: sectionsLength, sections } = serializeSections( message.sections, );
const buffer = new Uint8Array(20 + sectionsLength); // 16 bytes header + 4 bytes flags + sections const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer);
// set header setHeader(view, { messageLength: buffer.byteLength, responseTo: message.responseTo, requestId: message.requestId, opCode: OpCode.MSG, });
// set flags view.setInt32(16, message.flags ?? 0, true);
// set sections let pos = 20; for (const section of sections) { buffer.set(section, pos); pos += section.byteLength; }
return buffer;}
export function deserializeMessage( header: MessageHeader, buffer: Uint8Array,): Message { const view = new DataView(buffer.buffer);
const flags = view.getInt32(0); const sections: Section[] = [];
let pos = 4; while (pos < view.byteLength) { const kind = view.getInt8(pos); pos++; if (kind === 0) { const docLen = view.getInt32(pos, true); const document = deserialize( new Uint8Array(view.buffer.slice(pos, pos + docLen)), ); pos += docLen; sections.push({ document }); } else if (kind === 1) { const len = view.getInt32(pos, true); const sectionBody = new Uint8Array( view.buffer.slice(pos + 4, pos + len - 4), ); const identifierEndPos = sectionBody.findIndex((byte) => byte === 0); const identifier = decoder.decode(buffer.slice(0, identifierEndPos)); const docsBuffer = sectionBody.slice(identifierEndPos + 1); const documents = parseDocuments(docsBuffer); pos += len; sections.push({ identifier, documents }); } else { throw new Error("Invalid section kind: " + kind); } }
return { responseTo: header.responseTo, requestId: header.requestId, flags, sections, };}
function parseDocuments(buffer: Uint8Array): Document[] { let pos = 0; const docs = []; const view = new DataView(buffer); while (pos < buffer.byteLength) { const docLen = view.getInt32(pos, true); const doc = deserialize(buffer.slice(pos, pos + docLen)); docs.push(doc); pos += docLen; } return docs;}