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MongoDB driver for Deno
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import { GridFSBucket } from "../../mod.ts";import { testWithClient } from "../common.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, bytesEquals } from "../test.deps.ts";
function bufferEquals(a: ArrayBuffer, b: ArrayBuffer) { return bytesEquals(new Uint8Array(a), new Uint8Array(b));}
testWithClient("GridFS: Echo small Hello World", async (client) => { const bucket = new GridFSBucket(client.database("test"), { bucketName: "echo", }); const upstream = await bucket.openUploadStream("test.txt"); const writer = upstream.getWriter(); await writer.write(new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World! 👋")); await writer.close();
const getId = (await bucket.find({ filename: "test.txt" }).toArray())[0]._id;
const text = await new Response(await bucket.openDownloadStream(getId)) .text();
assertEquals(text, "Hello World! 👋");});
testWithClient("GridFS: Echo large Image", async (client) => { const bucket = new GridFSBucket(client.database("test"), { bucketName: "deno_logo", });
// Set an impractically low chunkSize to test chunking algorithm const upstream = await bucket.openUploadStream("deno_logo.png", { chunkSizeBytes: 255 * 8, });
await (await fetch("")).body!.pipeTo( upstream, );
const getId = (await bucket.find({ filename: "deno_logo.png" }).toArray())[0]._id;
const expected = await fetch(""); const actual = await new Response(await bucket.openDownloadStream(getId)) .arrayBuffer();
assert(bufferEquals(actual, await expected.arrayBuffer()));});
testWithClient( "GridFS: Echo large Image (compare with different Image)", async (client) => { const bucket = new GridFSBucket(client.database("test"), { bucketName: "deno_logo", });
const upstream = await bucket.openUploadStream("deno_logo.png");
await (await fetch("")).body! .pipeTo( upstream, );
const getId = (await bucket.find({ filename: "deno_logo.png" }).toArray())[0]._id;
const expected = await fetch(""); const actual = await new Response(await bucket.openDownloadStream(getId)) .arrayBuffer();
assert(!bufferEquals(actual, await expected.arrayBuffer())); },);
testWithClient( "GridFS: Metadata does get stored correctly", async (client) => { const bucket = new GridFSBucket(client.database("test"), { bucketName: "metadata", }); const upstream = await bucket.openUploadStream("metadata.txt", { metadata: { helloWorld: "this is a test", }, }); const writer = upstream.getWriter(); await writer.write(new TextEncoder().encode("Hello World! 👋")); await writer.close();
const file = (await bucket.find({ filename: "metadata.txt" }).toArray())[0];
assertEquals("this is a test", file.metadata?.helloWorld); },);
testWithClient( "GridFS: Delete does work as expected", async (client) => { const bucket = new GridFSBucket(client.database("test"), { bucketName: "delete", }); const upstream = await bucket.openUploadStream("stuff.txt"); const writer = upstream.getWriter(); await writer.write(new TextEncoder().encode("[redacted]")); await writer.close();
let file = await bucket.find({ filename: "stuff.txt" }).toArray(); assert(file[0]); await bucket.delete(file[0]._id); file = await bucket.find({ filename: "stuff.txt" }).toArray(); assert(!file[0]); },);