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MongoDB driver for Deno
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import { Document } from "../../deps.ts";import { Collection } from "../collection/collection.ts";import { Chunk, File } from "../types/gridfs.ts";
export function createFileIndex(collection: Collection<File>) { const index = { filename: 1, uploadDate: 1 };
return collection.createIndexes({ indexes: [ { name: "gridFSFiles", key: index, background: false, }, ], });}export function createChunksIndex(collection: Collection<Chunk>) { // deno-lint-ignore camelcase const index = { files_id: 1, n: 1 };
return collection.createIndexes({ indexes: [ { name: "gridFSFiles", key: index, unique: true, background: false, }, ], });}
export async function checkIndexes( filesCollection: Collection<File>, chunksCollection: Collection<Chunk>, hasCheckedIndexes: (value: boolean) => void,) { const filesCollectionIsEmpty = !(await filesCollection.findOne( {}, { projection: { _id: 1 }, }, ));
const chunksCollectionIsEmpty = !(await chunksCollection.findOne( {}, { projection: { _id: 1 }, }, ));
if (filesCollectionIsEmpty || chunksCollectionIsEmpty) { // At least one collection is empty so we create indexes await createFileIndex(filesCollection); await createChunksIndex(chunksCollection); hasCheckedIndexes(true); return; }
// Now check that the right indexes are there const fileIndexes = await filesCollection.listIndexes().toArray(); let hasFileIndex = false;
if (fileIndexes) { fileIndexes.forEach((index) => { const keys = Object.keys(index.key); if ( keys.length === 2 && index.key.filename === 1 && index.key.uploadDate === 1 ) { hasFileIndex = true; } }); }
if (!hasFileIndex) { await createFileIndex(filesCollection); }
const chunkIndexes = await chunksCollection.listIndexes().toArray(); let hasChunksIndex = false;
if (chunkIndexes) { chunkIndexes.forEach((index: Document) => { const keys = Object.keys(index.key); if ( keys.length === 2 && index.key.filename === 1 && index.key.uploadDate === 1 && index.options.unique ) { hasChunksIndex = true; } }); }
if (!hasChunksIndex) { await createChunksIndex(chunksCollection); } hasCheckedIndexes(true);}