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MongoDB driver for Deno
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import { Database } from "../../mod.ts";import { cleanUsername, clientFirstMessageBare, HI, passwordDigest,} from "../../src/auth/mod.ts";import { MongoClient } from "../../src/client.ts";import { cleanTestDb, getTestDb } from "../common.ts";import { afterAll, assert, assertEquals, beforeAll, describe, it,} from "../deps.ts";
describe("auth", () => { describe("prerequisites", () => { it({ name: "passwordDigest:username:password", async fn() { const passwordValids: { username: string; password: string; digest: string; }[] = [ { username: "user", password: "pencil", digest: "1c33006ec1ffd90f9cadcbcc0e118200", }, { username: "test", password: "test", digest: "a6de521abefc2fed4f5876855a3484f5", }, ]; for (const { username, password, digest } of passwordValids) { const digestRes: string = await passwordDigest(username, password); assertEquals(digestRes, digest); } }, });
it({ name: "clientFirstMessageBare", fn() { const username = "1234"; const nonce = new TextEncoder().encode("qwer"); const result: Uint8Array = clientFirstMessageBare(username, nonce); const expected: Uint8Array = Uint8Array.from( [ 110, 61, 49, 50, 51, 52, 44, 114, 61, 99, 88, 100, 108, 99, 103, 61, 61, ], ); assertEquals(expected, result); }, });
it({ name: "cleanUsername", fn() { const username = "first=12,last=34"; const expected = "first=3D12=2Clast=34"; const result = cleanUsername(username); assertEquals(expected, result); }, });
it({ name: "HI", async fn() { const salt = "rQ9ZY3MntBeuP3E1TDVC4w"; const iter = 10000; const data = "1c33006ec1ffd90f9cadcbcc0e118200"; const saltedPassword = await HI( data, (new TextEncoder()).encode(salt), iter, "sha1", ); assertEquals( new Uint8Array(saltedPassword), Uint8Array.from([ 72, 84, 156, 182, 17, 64, 30, 116, 86, 233, 7, 39, 65, 137, 142, 164, 0, 110, 78, 230, ]), ); }, }); });
describe("connection", () => { let database: Database; let client: MongoClient; const hostname = "";
beforeAll(async () => { ({ client, database } = await getTestDb()); await database.createUser("user1", "y3mq3mpZ3J6PGfgg"); await database.createUser("user2", "Qa6WkQSuXF425sWZ"); });
afterAll(async () => { await database.dropUser("user1"); await database.dropUser("user2"); await cleanTestDb(client, database); });
it("should connect with correct credentials, case 1", async () => { const username = "user1"; const password = "y3mq3mpZ3J6PGfgg"; const client = new MongoClient(); await client.connect( `mongodb://${username}:${password}@${hostname}:27017/test`, ); const names = await client.listDatabases(); assert(names instanceof Array); assert(names.length > 0); client.close(); });
it("should connect with correct credentials, case 2", async () => { const username = "user2"; const password = "Qa6WkQSuXF425sWZ"; const client = new MongoClient(); await client.connect( `mongodb://${username}:${password}@${hostname}:27017/test`, ); const names = await client.listDatabases(); assert(names instanceof Array); assert(names.length > 0); client.close(); }); });});