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MongoDB driver for Deno
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import { cargoBuild } from "./build.ts";import { init, MongoClient } from "./mod.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, exists } from "./test.deps.ts";import "./ts/tests/type-convert.test.ts";import "./ts/tests/types-check.test.ts";import { ObjectId } from "./ts/types.ts";
const { test, runTests } = Deno;const dateNow =;
function getClient(): MongoClient { const client = new MongoClient(); client.connectWithUri("mongodb://localhost:27017"); return client;}
test(async function testConnectWithUri() { const client = new MongoClient(); client.connectWithUri("mongodb://localhost:27017"); const names = await client.listDatabases(); assert(names instanceof Array); assert(names.length > 0);});
test(async function testConnectWithOptions() { const client = new MongoClient(); client.connectWithOptions({ hosts: ["localhost:27017"] }); const names = await client.listDatabases(); assert(names instanceof Array); assert(names.length > 0);});
test(async function testListCollectionNames() { const db = getClient().database("local"); const names = await db.listCollectionNames(); assertEquals(names, ["startup_log"]);});
test(async function testInsertOne() { const db = getClient().database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users"); const insertId: ObjectId = await users.insertOne({ username: "user1", password: "pass1", date: new Date(dateNow) });
assertEquals(Object.keys(insertId), ["$oid"]);
const user1 = await users.findOne({ _id: ObjectId(insertId.$oid) });
assertEquals(user1, { _id: insertId, username: "user1", password: "pass1", date: new Date(dateNow) });});
test(async function testFindOne() { const db = getClient().database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users"); const user1 = await users.findOne(); assert(user1 instanceof Object); assertEquals(Object.keys(user1), ["_id", "username", "password", "date"]);
const findNull = await users.findOne({ test: 1 }); assertEquals(findNull, null);});
test(async function testUpdateOne() { const db = getClient().database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users"); const result = await users.updateOne({}, { username: "USER1" }); assertEquals(result, { matchedCount: 1, modifiedCount: 1, upsertedId: null });});
test(async function testDeleteOne() { const db = getClient().database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users"); const deleteCount = await users.deleteOne({}); assertEquals(deleteCount, 1);});
test(async function testInsertMany() { const db = getClient().database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users"); const insertIds = await users.insertMany([ { username: "many", password: "pass1" }, { username: "many", password: "pass2" } ]);
assertEquals(insertIds.length, 2);});
test(async function testFind() { const db = getClient().database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users"); const findUsers = await users.find( { username: "many" }, { skip: 1, limit: 1 } ); assert(findUsers instanceof Array); assertEquals(findUsers.length, 1);
const notFound = await users.find({ test: 1 }); assertEquals(notFound, []);});
test(async function testCount() { const db = getClient().database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users"); const count = await users.count({ username: "many" }); assertEquals(count, 2);});
test(async function testAggregation() { const db = getClient().database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users"); const docs = await users.aggregate([ { $match: { username: "many" } }, { $group: { _id: "$username", total: { $sum: 1 } } } ]); assertEquals(docs, [{ _id: "many", total: 2 }]);});
test(async function testUpdateMany() { const db = getClient().database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users"); const result = await users.updateMany( { username: "many" }, { $set: { username: "MANY" } } ); assertEquals(result, { matchedCount: 2, modifiedCount: 2, upsertedId: null });});
test(async function testDeleteMany() { const db = getClient().database("test"); const users = db.collection("mongo_test_users"); const deleteCount = await users.deleteMany({ username: "MANY" }); assertEquals(deleteCount, 2);});
// TODO mongdb_rust official library has not implemented this feature// test(async function testCreateIndexes() {// const db = getClient().database("test");// const collection = db.collection("mongo_indexes");// const result = await collection.createIndexes([// { keys: { created_at: 1 }, options: { expireAfterSeconds: 10000 } }// ]);// console.log(result);// });
if (await exists(".deno_plugins")) { await Deno.remove(".deno_plugins", { recursive: true });}await cargoBuild();await init("file://./target/release");await runTests({});