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MongoDB driver for Deno
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import { Database } from "./database.ts";import { CommandType } from "./types.ts";import { decode, dispatch, dispatchAsync, encode } from "./util.ts";
export interface ClientOptions { /** * The initial list of seeds that the Client should connect to. * Note that by default, the driver will autodiscover other nodes in the cluster. * To connect directly to a single server (rather than autodiscovering the rest of the cluster), * set the direct field to `true. */ hosts: string[];
/** * The application name that the Client will send to the server as part of the handshake. * This can be used in combination with the server logs to determine which Client is connected to a server. */ appName?: string;
/** * The connect timeout passed to each underlying TcpStream when attemtping to connect to the server. * The default value is 10 seconds. */ connectTimeout?: number;
/** * The username to authenticate with. This applies to all mechanisms but may be omitted when authenticating via MONGODB-X509. */ username?: string;
/** * The password to authenticate with. This does not apply to all mechanisms. */ password?: string;
/** * Specifies whether the Client should directly connect to a single host rather than autodiscover all servers in the cluster. * The default value is false. */ directConnection?: boolean;
/** * The amount of time each monitoring thread should wait between sending an isMaster command to its respective server. * The default value is 10 seconds. */ heartbeatFreq?: number;
/** * The amount of time that a connection can remain idle in a connection pool before being closed. * A value of zero indicates that connections should not be closed due to being idle. * By default, connections will not be closed due to being idle. */ maxIdleTime?: number;
/** * The maximum amount of connections that the Client should allow to be created in a connection pool for a given server. * If an operation is attempted on a server while max_pool_size connections are checked out, * the operation will block until an in-progress operation finishes and its connection is checked back into the pool.The default value is 100. */ maxPoolSize?: number;
/** * The minimum number of connections that should be available in a server's connection pool at a given time. * If fewer than min_pool_size connections are in the pool, * connections will be added to the pool in the background until min_pool_size is reached. * The default value is 0. */ minPoolSize?: number;
/** * The name of the replica set that the Client should connect to. */ replSetName?: string;
/** * The amount of time the Client should attempt to select a server for an operation before timing outs The default value is 30 seconds. */ serverSelectionTimeout?: number;
/** * The amount of time a thread should block while waiting to check out a connection before returning an error. * Note that if there are fewer than max_pool_size connections checked out or if a connection is available in the pool, * checking out a connection will not block. * By default, threads will wait indefinitely for a connection to become available. */ waitQueueTimeout?: number;}
export class MongoClient { private _clientId: number = 0;
get clientId() { return this._clientId; }
connectWithUri(uri: string) { const data = dispatch( { command_type: CommandType.ConnectWithUri }, encode(uri) ); this._clientId = parseInt(decode(data)); }
connectWithOptions(options: ClientOptions) { const data = dispatch( { command_type: CommandType.ConnectWithOptions }, encode(JSON.stringify(options)) ); this._clientId = parseInt(decode(data)); }
async listDatabases(): Promise<string[]> { return (await dispatchAsync({ command_type: CommandType.ListDatabases, client_id: this._clientId })) as string[]; }
database(name: string): Database { return new Database(this, name); }}