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Plugin mongoose for history logs schemas
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'use strict'const { diff } = require('deep-diff')const { set, get, map, omit, startCase, camelCase, compact, concat, isEmpty, isNumber } = require('lodash')const OPERATION = { N: 'Created', D: 'Deleted', E: 'Edited', A: 'Array' }let changes = []
class DiffHelper { /** * @author welington Monteiro * @param { Object } [diffParams.old] - old json * @param { Object } [diffParams.current] - current json * @param { Object } [diffParams] - params {old, current} * @param {{}} schema - paths schema mapped * @param { Object } [options] - options params * @param { Array<String> } [options.omitPaths] - options omitPaths params * @param { String } [options.changeTransform.label] - options changesToView.label {label: 'otherPathName'} * @param { String } [] - options {to: 'otherPathName'} * @param { String } [options.changeTransform.from] - options changesToView.from {from: 'otherPathName'} * @param { String } [options.changeTransform.ops] - options changesToView.ops {ops: 'otherPathName'} * @param { String } [options.changeTransform.path] - options changesToView.path {path: 'otherPathName'} * @return { Array } - list of diffs changes */ static getDiff (diffParams = {}, schema = {}, options = {}) { let { old = {}, current = {} } = diffParams const omitPaths = get(options, 'omitPaths', []) const defaultOmitPaths = ['_id']
old = omit(old, concat(omitPaths, defaultOmitPaths)) current = omit(current, concat(omitPaths, defaultOmitPaths)) changes = []
const differences = diff(old, current)
DiffHelper._mapItems(differences, schema, options) return compact(changes) }
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Array } diffs - deep diffs between old and current * @param { Schema } schema - paths schema mapped * @param { Object } [options] - options params * @return {void} * @private */ static _mapItems (diffs, schema, options) { map(diffs, _addItem)
function _addItem (item) { const to = get(item, 'rhs', get(item, 'item.rhs', '')) const path = item.path.join('.') const from = get(item, 'lhs', get(item, 'item.lhs', '')) let ops = OPERATION[get(item, 'kind', '')] const { index, isArray } = DiffHelper._getIndexIsArray({ item, ops })
if (ops === 'Array') ops = OPERATION[get(item, 'item.kind', '')] || ops
if (DiffHelper._isObject(to)) { return DiffHelper._objectMapped({ path, item: to, ops, schema, index, isArray }, 'to', options) } if (DiffHelper._isObject(from)) { return DiffHelper._objectMapped({ path, item: from, ops, schema, index, isArray }, 'from', options) } const label = DiffHelper._getLabel(path, schema)
changes.push(DiffHelper._changeTransformToView({ to, path, from, ops, label, index, isArray }, options)) } }
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @description Verify is value is object * @param { * } value - Value for comparison * @return { boolean } - return is object */ static _isObject (value) { return === '[object Object]' }
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } change - object params * @param { Object } [options] - options change transform to view * @return {Object} newChange - object new transformed */ static _changeTransformToView (change = {}, options = {}) { const newChange = { index: null, isArray: false } if (isEmpty(change)) return null
set(newChange, 'isArray', get(change, 'isArray')) set(newChange, 'index', get(change, 'index')) set(newChange, `${get(options, '') || 'to'}`, get(change, 'to')) set(newChange, `${get(options, 'changeTransform.from') || 'from'}`, get(change, 'from')) set(newChange, `${get(options, 'changeTransform.path') || 'path'}`, get(change, 'path')) set(newChange, `${get(options, 'changeTransform.ops') || 'ops'}`, get(change, 'ops')) set(newChange, `${get(options, 'changeTransform.label') || 'label'}`, get(change, 'label'))
return newChange }
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } item - item to mapped fields * @param { String } ops - type of path * @return {{index: null, isArray: boolean}} - return object * @private */ static _getIndexIsArray ({ item = {}, ops = '' }) { let index = get(item, 'index', null) let isArray = ops === 'Array'
map(get(item, 'path'), (field) => { if (isNumber(field)) { index = field isArray = true } }) return { index, isArray } }
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Object } [params] - item to mapped fields * @param { Object } [params.item] - item to mapped fields * @param { String } [params.path] - path fields * @param { String } [params.ops] - ops mapped * @param { Object } [params.schema] - paths schema mapped * @param [params] - params mapped * @param { String } fieldItem - name field item mapped to object * @param { Object } [options] - options change transform to view * @private */ static _objectMapped (params = {}, fieldItem, options) { const { item = '', path, ops, schema = {}, index = null, isArray = false } = params map(item, (value, field) => { const newPath = `${path}.${field}`
if (typeof value === 'object') { return DiffHelper._objectMapped({ path: newPath, item: value, ops, schema, index, isArray }, fieldItem, options) } const change = { from: '', to: '' } const label = DiffHelper._getLabel(newPath, schema)
change[`${fieldItem}`] = value changes.push(DiffHelper._changeTransformToView({ ...change, path: newPath, ops, label, index, isArray }, options)) }) }
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { String } str - string name to capitalize * @return {string} name field capitalized * @private */ static _capitalizedKey (str = '') { return startCase(camelCase(str)) }
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { String } path - path object * @param { Object } schema - paths schema mapped * @return { string } return result * @private */ static _getLabel (path = '', schema = {}) { const paths = compact(path.replace(/[0-9]/ig, '').split('.')) const lastPath = paths[paths.length - 1] const label = DiffHelper._getCustomLabel(paths, schema) const nameCapitalized = DiffHelper._capitalizedKey(lastPath)
return (label || nameCapitalized) }
/** * @author Welington Monteiro * @param { Array } pathsArray - flatten paths schema * @param { Object } schema - Schemas mapped paths * @return {string} customLabel - return name custom label */ static _getCustomLabel (pathsArray = [], schema = {}) { const flattenPath = pathsArray.join('.') const paths = !isEmpty(schema.paths) ? schema.paths[flattenPath] : '' const singleNestedPaths = !isEmpty(schema.singleNestedPaths) ? schema.singleNestedPaths[flattenPath] : '' const subpaths = !isEmpty(schema.subpaths) ? schema.subpaths[flattenPath] : ''
return get(paths, 'options._label_', get(singleNestedPaths, 'options._label_', get(subpaths, 'options._label_'))) }}
module.exports = DiffHelper